Version: B | 1.1 (2022-01-22)
Please note: This part of the profile is currently being revised.
1 Remarks
1.1 General remarks
Escapees and consequences: negative or at most unpredictable for the local ecosystemPreferences: none in general (i.e. across habitat)
1.2 Other remarks
No data found yet.2 Ethograms
In the farm or lab: on swimming, social behaviour, cognitive abilities, coping styles
3 Distribution
Natural distribution: northern Atlantic coasts of Canada and USA, southern Greenland, Iceland, United Kingdom, Scandinavia to Portugal, boardering rivers
Introduced: Bering Sea
4 Natural co-existence
5 Substrate and/or shelter
5.1 Substrate
Substrate range, substrate preference: opportunistic – reported from gravel to boulder substrate – but avoids mudSubstrate and growth: direct effect (further research needed)
5.2 Shelter or cover
Shelter or cover preference: rocks and stones for cover from predators or shelter from low or high temperaturesShelter or cover and growth: direct effect (further research needed)
6 Food, foraging, hunting, feeding
6.1 Trophic level and general considerations on food needs
Trophic level: 4.5Impacts of feed fishery: contributes to overfishing, challenges animal welfare
6.2 Food items
Food items, food preference: carnivorous, increasing prey size with increasing age6.3 Feeding behaviour
Feeding style, foraging mode: sit-and-wait but still mobileFeed delivery and stress: unpredicted schedule increases stress and aggression (further research needed)
Food competition and growth: inverse effect (further research needed)
Effects on feeding: direct relation with temperature
For feeding and...
...dominance ➝ D5.
...adaptation to the wild (restocking) ➝ D6,
...exploration-avoidance continuum ➝ D7.
7 Photoperiod
7.1 Daily rhythm
Daily rhythm: diurnal, occasionally nocturnal7.2 Light intensity
No data found yet.7.3 Light colour
No data found yet.8 Water parameters
8.1 Water temperature
Standard temperature range, temperature preference: -0.5-23 °C, 4-17.5 °CTemperature and stress: decreasing survival <2 °C and >22 °C (eggs >16 °C) (further research needed)
Temperature and growth: range 1-26.7 °C, optimally 14-19 °C
8.2 Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen range: ≥7 mg/L (further research needed)8.3 Salinity
Salinity tolerance, standard salinity range: euryhaline8.4 pH
Standard pH range: 6.8-7.9 (further research needed)pH and stress: decreasing survival pH <5.4 (further research needed)
8.5 Turbidity
No data found yet.8.6 Water hardness
No data found yet.8.7 NO4
No data found yet.8.8 Other
No data found yet.9 Swimming
9.1 Swimming type, swimming mode
Swimming type, swimming mode: sub-carangiform9.2 Swimming speed
Swimming speed: 0.2-30 km/d, decreasing activity with decreasing temperaturesStandard velocity range, velocity preference: 1-120 cm/s, 4-50 cm/s, decreasing with decreasing temperatures
9.3 Home range
Home range: 0.005-8+ km, depending on age, barriers to fish passage, availability of suitable habitat9.4 Depth
Depth range, depth preference: 0.05-6.5 m, moves deeper probably to avoid threats9.5 Migration
Migration type: anadromous10 Growth
10.1 Ontogenetic development
Larvae: here called alevins, hatching to ca 300 degree daysFry: beginning of exogenous feeding, ca 35 mm fork length (further research needed)
Juveniles, sexual maturity: fully developed to beginning of maturity, here called parr (first summer after hatching) and smolt (from 2-5 years on)
Maturation and manipulation: advanced photoperiod and ambient temperatures delay maturation (further research needed)
Adults: here called grilse (2-9 years, 50-90 cm, 2-4 kg) and kelt (further research needed)
10.2 Sexual conversion
No data found yet.10.3 Sex ratio
No data found yet.10.4 Effects on growth
Growth and size-grading: mixed effects (further research needed)For growth and...
...substrate ➝ D19,
...shelter or cover ➝ D20, competition ➝ D21,
...temperature ➝ D22,
...stocking density ➝ D23,
...shyness ➝ D24.
10.5 Deformities and malformations
Deformities and malformations: otolith deformations 30-64% worldwide11 Reproduction
11.1 Nest building
Nest building: female cuts redd in <1-100 mm substrate, at 0.2-1.1 m/s water velocity, in 5-76 cm depth11.2 Attraction, courtship, mating
No data found yet.11.3 Spawning
Spawning conditions: gravel, October-January, fresh water, 0.2-1.1 m/s water velocity, 5-76 cm water depth11.4 Fecundity
Female fecundity: average 1 redd with 17-450 eggs11.5 Brood care, breeding
Breeding type: gravel breeder12 Senses
12.1 Vision
Visible spectrum: blue (further research needed)Importance of vision: foraging (further research needed)
12.2 Olfaction (and taste, if present)
Importance of olfaction: probably for navigation (further research needed)12.3 Hearing
Hearing type, hearing spectrum: hearing generalist, 30-380 Hz (further research needed)Noise and stress: sensitive to infrasound (further research needed)
For hearing loss and otolith deformations ➝ D25.
12.4 Touch, mechanical sensing
No data found yet.12.5 Lateral line
Importance of lateral line: probably for navigation (further research needed)12.6 Electrical sensing
No data found yet.12.7 Nociception, pain sensing
No data found yet.12.8 Other
No data found yet.13 Communication
13.1 Visual
No data found yet.13.2 Chemical
No data found yet.13.3 Acoustic
No data found yet.13.4 Mechanical
No data found yet.13.5 Electrical
No data found yet.13.6 Other
No data found yet.14 Social behaviour
14.1 Spatial organisation
Aggregation type: school (further research needed)Stocking density in the wild: 0.06 ind/m2 (further research needed)
Stocking density and stress: direct relation from ca 22 kg/m3 on (further research needed)
Stocking density and growth: mixed effects (further research needed)
14.2 Social organisation
Social organisation type: linear hierarchy (when in small groups)Features of dominance: occupy and patrol best feeding sites, heavier and more aggressive than subordinates
Features of subordination: hardly move, stay away from food
14.3 Exploitation
No data found yet.14.4 Facilitation
No data found yet.14.5 Aggression
Aggression and stocking density: mixed effects (further research needed)Aggression and stress: mixed effects (further research needed)
14.6 Territoriality
Territoriality and feeding: territory decreases with increasing velocity (i.e. increasing food abundance)For territoriality and daily rhythm ➝ D4.
15 Cognitive abilities
15.1 Learning
Classical conditioning: may be used for measuring perceptionAdaptation to wild (restocking): suboptimal with food items and feeding
15.2 Memory
No data found yet.15.3 Problem solving, creativity, planning, intelligence
No data found yet.15.4 Other
No data found yet.16 Personality, coping styles
Exploration-avoidance continuum: relationship with emergence from redd, feeding resumption (further research needed)
Aggressiveness continuum: in dominance-subordination, given stocking density
17 Emotion-like states
17.1 Joy
No data found yet.17.2 Relaxation
No data found yet.17.3 Sadness
No data found yet.17.4 Fear
No data found yet.18 Self-concept, self-recognition
19 Reactions to husbandry
19.1 Stereotypical and vacuum activities
No data found yet.19.2 Acute stress
Confinement: stressful if done for 30 min (further research needed)Crowding: stressful if done at 75 kg/m3 for 60 min, worse if combined with live-chilling (further research needed)
For acute stress and...
...water temperature ➝ D30,
...pH ➝ D31,
...noise ➝ D17,
...shyness ➝ D24,
...stunning ➝ D32.
19.3 Chronic stress
Effects on welfare: cage submergence may be beneficial (further research needed)For chronic stress and...
...cover ➝ D20,
...feed delivery ➝ D33,
...water temperature ➝ D30,
...stocking density ➝ D34,
...aggression ➝ D35.
19.4 Stunning reactions
Stunning rules: fast, effective, safeStunning methods: percussive stunning, spiking most effective (further research needed)
Stunning methods and stress: percussive stunning less stressful than spiking (further research needed)
AGGRESSIVENESS = agonistic reactions towards conspecifics. Tests: mirror image, social interaction/diadic encounters 174.
ALEVINS = larvae until the end of yolk sac absorption, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
EXPLORATION-AVOIDANCE = reaction to new situations, e.g. new habitat, new food, novel objects. Referred to as neophobia/neophilia elsewhere. Tests: open field, trappability for first time, novel environment, hole board (time spent with head in holes), novel object 174.
FARM = setting in farming environment or under conditions simulating farming environment in terms of size of facility or number of individuals
FRY = larvae from external feeding on, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
GENERALIST = Generalists detect a narrow bandwidth of sound frequencies (<50-500 Hz, 1,500 Hz max.). High hearing threshold = cannot detect quieter sounds. Typically no swim bladder or no attachment of the swim bladder to the inner ear. Live in loud environments (rivers) 168 169.
GRILSE = adults returning from sea to home river to spawn, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
IND = individuals
JUVENILES = fully developed but immature individuals, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
KELTS = adults surviving spawning, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
LAB = setting in laboratory environment
MILLIARD = 1,000,000,000 73 74
PARR = juvenile stage in rivers, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
PHOTOPERIOD = duration of daylight
SHYNESS-BOLDNESS = reaction to risky (but not new!) situations, e.g. predators or humans. Referred to as docility, tameness, fearfulness elsewhere. Tests: predator presentation, predator stimulus, threat, trappability (latency to enter a trap for first time can be exploration), resistance to handlers (Trapezov stick test), tonic immobility (catatonic-like death-feigning anti predator response) 174.
SMOLTS = juvenile stage migrating to the sea, for details ➝ Findings 10.1 Ontogenetic development
TOTAL LENGTH = from snout to tip of caudal fin as compared to fork length (which measures from snout to fork of caudal fin) 153 or standard length (from head to base of tail fin) or body length (from the base of the eye notch to the posterior end of the telson)
WILD = setting in the wild
2 Brodeur, Richard D., and Morgan S. Busby. 1998. Occurrence of an Atlantic Salmon Salmo salar in the Bering Sea. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 5: 64–66.
3 McGinnity, P., C. Stone, J. B. Taggart, D. Cooke, D. Cotter, R. Hynes, C. McCamley, T. Cross, and A. Ferguson. 1997. Genetic impact of escaped farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) on native populations: use of DNA profiling to assess freshwater performance of wild, farmed, and hybrid progeny in a natural river environment. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 54: 998–1008.
4 Armstrong, J. D, P. S Kemp, G. J. A Kennedy, M Ladle, and N. J Milner. 2003. Habitat requirements of Atlantic salmon and brown trout in rivers and streams. Fisheries Research 62. The Scientific Basis for Management of Salmonid Stocks in the British Isles: 143–170.
5 Jacobs, Jürgen. 1974. Quantitative measurement of food selection. Oecologia 14: 413–417.
6 Bremset, Gunnbjørn. 2000. Seasonal and Diel Changes in Behaviour, Microhabitat use and Preferences by Young Pool-dwelling Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar, and Brown Trout, Salmo trutta. Environmental Biology of Fishes 59: 163–179.
7 Bremset, Gunnbjørn, and Ole Kristian Berg. 1999. Three-dimensional microhabitat use by young pool-dwelling Atlantic salmon and brown trout. Animal Behaviour 58: 1047–1059.
8 Guay, J C, D Boisclair, M Leclerc, and M Lapointe. 2003. Assessment of the transferability of biological habitat models for Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 1398–1408.
9 Guay, J C, D Boisclair, D Rioux, M Leclerc, M Lapointe, and P Legendre. 2000. Development and validation of numerical habitat models for juveniles of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 2065–2075.
10 Coulombe-Pontbriand, M, and Michel Lapointe. 2004. Landscape controls on boulder-rich, winter habitat availability and their effects on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr abundance in two fifth-order mountain streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 648–658.
11 Steingrímsson, Stefán Ó, and James W. A. Grant. 2011. Determinants of multiple central-place territory use in wild young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 275–286.
12 Hiscock, M. J., D. A. Scruton, J. A. Brown, and C. J. Pennell. 2002. Diel activity pattern of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar ) in early and late winter. Hydrobiologia 483: 161–165.
13 Aarestrup, Kim, Christian Nielsen, and Anders Koed. 2002. Net ground speed of downstream migrating radio-tagged Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) smolts in relation to environmental factors. In Aquatic Telemetry, ed. Eva B. Thorstad, Ian A. Fleming, and Tor Fredrik Næsje, 95–102. Developments in Hydrobiology 165. Springer Netherlands.
14 Crisp, D. T., and P. A. Carling. 1989. Observations on siting, dimensions and structure of salmonid redds. Journal of Fish Biology 34: 119–134.
15 Orlov, Alexander V., Yuri V. Gerasimov, and Oleg M. Lapshin. 2006. The feeding behaviour of cultured and wild Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in the Louvenga River, Kola Peninsula, Russia. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 63: 1297–1303.
16 Dill, Peter A. 1977. Development of behaviour in alevins of atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and rainbow trout, S. gairdneri. Animal Behaviour 25, Part 1: 116–121.
17 Arnold, G. P., Paul W. Webb, and B. H. Holford. 1991. Short Communication: The Role of the Pectoral Fins in Station-Holding of Atlantic Salmon Parr (Salmo Salar L.). Journal of Experimental Biology 156: 625–629.
18 Armstrong, J. D., and S. W. Griffiths. 2001. Density-dependent refuge use among over-wintering wild Atlantic salmon juveniles. Journal of Fish Biology 58: 1524–1530.
19 Dempster, Tim, Jon-Erik Juell, Jan Erik Fosseidengen, Arne Fredheim, and Pål Lader. 2008. Behaviour and growth of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) subjected to short-term submergence in commercial scale sea-cages. Aquaculture 276: 103–111.
20 Vaz-Serrano, J., M. L. Ruiz-Gomez, H. M. Gjoen, P. V. Skov, F. A. Huntingford, Øyvind Øverli, and E. Höglund. 2011. Consistent boldness behaviour in early emerging fry of domesticated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar): Decoupling of behavioural and physiological traits of the proactive stress coping style. Physiology & Behavior 103: 359–364.
22 Valdimarsson, Sveinn K., and Neil B. Metcalfe. 2001. Is the level of aggression and dispersion in territorial fish dependent on light intensity? Animal Behaviour 61: 1143–1149.
23 Blanchet, S., J. J. Dodson, and S. Brosse. 2006. Influence of habitat structure and fish density on Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. territorial behaviour. Journal of Fish Biology 68: 951–957.
24 Adams, C E, J F Turnbull, A Bell, J E Bron, and F A Huntingford. 2007. Multiple determinants of welfare in farmed fish: stocking density, disturbance, and aggression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 336–344.
25 Cañon Jones, Hernán Alberto, Chris Noble, Børge Damsgård, and Gareth P. Pearce. 2011. Social network analysis of the behavioural interactions that influence the development of fin damage in Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar) held at different stocking densities. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 133: 117–126.
26 Hawkins, A. D., and A. D. F. Johnstone. 1978. The hearing of the Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar. Journal of Fish Biology 13: 655–673.
27 Kittilsen, Silje, Tim Ellis, Joachim Schjolden, Bjarne O. Braastad, and Øyvind Øverli. 2009. Determining stress-responsiveness in family groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using non-invasive measures. Aquaculture 298: 146–152.
28 Reviewed distribution maps for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). 2016. Aquamaps.
29 Netboy, Anthony. 1974. The salmon: their fight for survival: Illustrated with photos. Houghton Mifflin.
30 Elliott, Scott R, Treva A Coe, James M Helfield, and Robert J Naiman. 1998. Spatial variation in environmental characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rivers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 267–280.
31 MacCrimmon, Hugh R., and Barra L. Gots. 1979. World Distribution of Atlantic Salmon, Salmo solar. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 36: 422–457.
32 Crozier, W. W., P.-J. Schön, G. Chaput, E. C. E. Potter, N. Ó Maoiléidigh, and J. C. MacLean. 2004. Managing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in the mixed stock environment: challenges and considerations. ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 61: 1344–1358.
33 Jones, M. 2004. Cultured Aquatic Species Information Programme. Salmo salar. Rome: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.
34 Girard, Isabelle L, James W.A Grant, and Stefán Ó Steingrímsson. 2004. Foraging, growth, and loss rate of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in relation to habitat use in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 2339–2349.
35 Roussel, Jean-Marc, Richard A. Cunjak, Robert Newbury, Daniel Caissie, and Alexander Haro. 2004. Movements and habitat use by PIT-tagged Atlantic salmon parr in early winter: the influence of anchor ice. Freshwater Biology 49: 1026–1035.
36 Cowx, I. G., K. T. O’Grady, W. C. K. O’Connor, and T. E. Andrew. 1998. The effects of siltation on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., embryos in the River Bush. Fisheries Management and Ecology 5: 393–401.
37 Moir, H. J., C. Soulsby, and A. Youngson. 1998. Hydraulic and sedimentary characteristics of habitat utilized by Atlantic salmon for spawning in the Girnock Burn, Scotland. Fisheries Management and Ecology 5: 241–254.
38 Soulsby, C., A. F. Youngson, H. J. Moir, and I. A. Malcolm. 2001. Fine sediment influence on salmonid spawning habitat in a lowland agricultural stream: a preliminary assessment. Science of The Total Environment 265: 295–307.
39 Davidsen, J. G., N. Plantalech Manel-la, F. Økland, O. H. Diserud, E. B. Thorstad, B. Finstad, R. Sivertsgård, R. S. McKinley, and A. H. Rikardsen. 2008. Changes in swimming depths of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar post-smolts relative to light intensity. Journal of Fish Biology 73: 1065–1074.
40 Amundsen, Per-Arne, Heidi-Marie Gabler, and Lars Sigvald Riise. 2001. Intraspecific food resource partitioning in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar) parr in a subarctic river. Aquatic Living Resources 14: 257–265.
41 Erkinaro, J. 1995. The age structure and distribution of Atlantic salmon parr, Salmo salar L., in small tributaries and main stems of the subarctic River Teno, northern Finland. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 4: 53–61.
42 Hesthagen, T. 1990. Home range of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and brown trout, Salmo trutta, in a Norwegian stream. Freshwater Biology 24: 63–67.
43 Symons, P. E. K., and M. Heland. 1978. Stream Habitats and Behavioral Interactions of Underyearling and Yearling Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35: 175–183.
44 Heggenes, Jan. 1990. Habitat utilization and preferences in juvenile atlantic salmon (salmo salar) in streams. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 5: 341–354.
45 Heggenes, J., J. L. Baglinière, and R. A. Cunjak. 1999. Spatial niche variability for young Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (S. trutta) in heterogeneous streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 8: 1–21.
46 Beland, K. F., J. G. Trial, and J. F. Kocik. 2004. Use of Riffle and Run Habitats with Aquatic Vegetation by Juvenile Atlantic Salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 525–533.
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52 Payne, Brigid A, and Michel F Lapointe. 1997. Channel morphology and lateral stability: effects on distribution of spawning and rearing habitat for Atlantic salmon in a wandering cobble-bed river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 2627–2636.
53 Julien, H. P., and N. E. Bergeron. 2006. Effect of Fine Sediment Infiltration During the Incubation Period on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Embryo Survival. Hydrobiologia 563: 61–71.
54 Hansen, Tom, and Krisna R. Torrissen. 1985. Artificial hatching substrate and different times of transfer to first feeding: Effect on growth and protease activities of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 48: 177–188.
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56 Cunjak, Richard A. 1988. Behaviour and Microhabitat of Young Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) during Winter. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45: 2156–2160.
57 Heggenes, J., Å. Brabrand, and S. J. Saltveit. 1991. Microhabitat use by brown trout, Salmo trutta L. and Atlantic salmon, S. salar L., in a stream: a comparative study of underwater and river bank observations. Journal of Fish Biology 38: 259–266.
58 Valdimarsson, S. K., and N. B. Metcalfe. 1998. Shelter selection in juvenile Atlantic salmon, or why do salmon seek shelter in winter? Journal of Fish Biology 52: 42–49.
59 Bardonnet, Agnès, and Jean-Luc Baglinière. 2000. Freshwater habitat of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57: 497–506.
60 Lindberg, Dan-Erik. 2011. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) migration behavior and preferences in smolts, spawners and kelts. Report 14. Umeå Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies.
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66 Holbrook, Christopher M., Joseph Zydlewski, Dimitry Gorsky, Steven L. Shepard, and Michael T. Kinnison. 2009. Movements of Prespawn Adult Atlantic Salmon Near Hydroelectric Dams in the Lower Penobscot River, Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29: 495–505.
67 Breau, Cindy, Richard A. Cunjak, and Stephan J. Peake. 2011. Behaviour during elevated water temperatures: can physiology explain movement of juvenile Atlantic salmon to cool water? Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 844–853.
68 Pickering, A. D., R. Griffiths, and T. G. Pottinger. 1987. A comparison of the effects of overhead cover on the growth, survival and haematology of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., brown trout, Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson. Aquaculture 66: 109–124.
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75 Gardiner, W. Ross, and Peter Geddes. 1980. The influence of body composition on the survival of juvenile salmon. Hydrobiologia 69: 67–72.
76 Elliott, J. M., and M. A. Hurley. 1997. A functional model for maximum growth of Atlantic Salmon parr, Salmo salar, from two populations in northwest England. Functional Ecology 11: 592–603.
77 Finstad, Anders G., Tor F. Næsje, and Torbjørn Forseth. 2004. Seasonal variation in the thermal performance of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Freshwater Biology 49: 1459–1467.
78 Elliott, J. M., and J. A. Elliott. 2010. Temperature requirements of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, brown trout Salmo trutta and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus: predicting the effects of climate change. Journal of Fish Biology 77: 1793–1817.
79 Fraser, Neil H. C., Niel B. Metcalfe, and John E. Thorpe. 1993. Temperature-Dependent Switch between Diurnal and Nocturnal Foraging in Salmon. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 252: 135–139.
80 Hoar, William S. 1942. Diurnal Variations in Feeding Activity of Young Salmon and Trout. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 6a: 90–101.
81 Hirata, Hachiro. 1973. Diurnal Rhythm of Metabolic and Activity Rates in Juvenile Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar LINNAEUS. Memoirs of Faculty of Fisheries Kagoshima University 22: 73–93.
82 Fraser, Neil H. C., Neil B. Metcalfe, Jan Heggenes, and John E. Thorpe. 1995. Low summer temperatures cause juvenile Atlantic salmon to become nocturnal. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73: 446–451.
83 Moore, A., E. C. E. Potter, N. J. Milner, and S. Bamber. 1995. The migratory behaviour of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts in the estuary of the River Conwy, North Wales. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 1923–1935.
84 Lacroix, Gilles L., Paul McCurdy, and Derek Knox. 2004. Migration of Atlantic Salmon Postsmolts in Relation to Habitat Use in a Coastal System. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133: 1455–1471.
85 Woodhead, P. M. J. 1957. Reactions of Salmonid Larvae to Light. Journal of Experimental Biology 34: 402–416.
86 Jobling, M. 1981. Temperature tolerance and the final preferendum—rapid methods for the assessment of optimum growth temperatures. Journal of Fish Biology 19: 439–455.
87 Johansson, David, Kari Ruohonen, Jon-Erik Juell, and Frode Oppedal. 2009. Swimming depth and thermal history of individual Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in production cages under different ambient temperature conditions. Aquaculture 290: 296–303.
88 Johansson, David, Kari Ruohonen, Anders Kiessling, Frode Oppedal, Jan-Erik Stiansen, Mark Kelly, and Jon-Erik Juell. 2006. Effect of environmental factors on swimming depth preferences of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and temporal and spatial variations in oxygen levels in sea cages at a fjord site. Aquaculture 254: 594–605.
89 Forsythe, Michael George. 1968. Analysis of the 1966 smolt run in the Northwest Miramichi River, New Brunswick. Technical Report 91. Ottawa: Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
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