Version: C | 2.1 (2024-12-31)
- minor editorial changes plus new side note "Commercial relevance"
- profile update resulting in major editorial and content changes (changing the scoring in criteria 1-5, 7, and 10)
- transfer to consistent age class and label structure resulting in changed appearance
WelfareScore | farm
Condensed assessment of the species' likelihood and potential for good fish welfare in aquaculture, based on ethological findings for 10 crucial criteria.
- Li = Likelihood that the individuals of the species experience good welfare under minimal farming conditions
- Po = Potential of the individuals of the species to experience good welfare under high-standard farming conditions
- Ce = Certainty of our findings in Likelihood and Potential
WelfareScore = Sum of criteria scoring "High" (max. 10)
General remarks
Salmo salar is a salmonid from both coasts of the northern Atlantic, migrating into boardering rivers to spawn. It is the most frequently farmed fish in Europe which represents 50% of the worldwide S. salar production. Upbringing in fresh water, predominantly in flow-through tanks, lasts for 1-1.5 years after which smoltification prepares the IND for life in seawater; on-growing in sea cages covers 50-70% of the life cycle. Where the culture site does not provide suitable conditions for sea transfer, IND are grown out in land-based freshwater RAS to harvestable size. IND are slaughtered before reaching maturity. ADULTS destined to become broodstock are transferred back to fresh water about 2 months before spawning.
The underlying migration habit is one of the factors very hard to accommodate in captivity, as it is unclear whether it is sufficient to provide the species with the conditions of the respective life stages or whether it needs to experience the transition. Other factors responsible for the low WelfareScore are substrate needs as well as high levels of aggression, stress, and deformations under farming conditions. Avoiding manipulation to induce spawning, providing substrate, and applying the high-standard slaughter methods are ways towards improving welfare for S. salar in captivity.
Note: LARVAE are called ALEVINS; JUVENILES are called PARR in fresh water and SMOLTS after bodily modification to sustain seawater; SPAWNERS are called GRILSE at first spawning and KELTS thereafter (very rare). We added an age class “Adults” for the case when it is not clear whether SMOLTS or GRILSE are meant. As IND are usually slaughtered before reaching maturity, the age class “ADULTS” in farms refers to ADULTS to become SPAWNERS, i.e., during holding before/between the spawning event(s).
1 Home range
Many species traverse in a limited horizontal space (even if just for a certain period of time per year); the home range may be described as a species' understanding of its environment (i.e., its cognitive map) for the most important resources it needs access to.
What is the probability of providing the species' whole home range in captivity?
There are unclear findings for minimal and high-standard farming conditions, as the missing wild information at sea does not allow a comparison with farming conditions. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.

2 Depth range
Given the availability of resources (food, shelter) or the need to avoid predators, species spend their time within a certain depth range.
What is the probability of providing the species' whole depth range in captivity?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as some trays and tanks do not cover the whole range in the wild. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as other trays and tanks cover the range in the wild, although we cannot be sure in GRILSE and KELTS. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence, as farm information for GRILSE and KELTS is missing.

3 Migration
Some species undergo seasonal changes of environments for different purposes (feeding, spawning, etc.), and to move there, they migrate for more or less extensive distances.
What is the probability of providing farming conditions that are compatible with the migrating or habitat-changing behaviour of the species?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as both strains undertake more or less extensive migrations, and we cannot be sure that providing each age class with their respective environmental conditions will satisfy their urge to migrate or whether they need to experience the transition. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as the non-ANADROMOUS strain at least does not migrate between sea- and fresh water and the range in captivity potentially overlaps with the migration distance (although unknown). Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.

4 Reproduction
A species reproduces at a certain age, season, and sex ratio and possibly involving courtship rituals.
What is the probability of the species reproducing naturally in captivity without manipulation of these circumstances?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as the species is manipulated (wild breeders, separation by sex, hormonal/photoperiod/temperature manipulation, stripping). It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as omitting hormonal manipulation and stripping is easily imaginable but needs verification for the farming context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.

5 Aggregation
Species differ in the way they co-exist with conspecifics or other species from being solitary to aggregating unstructured, casually roaming in shoals or closely coordinating in schools of varying densities.
What is the probability of providing farming conditions that are compatible with the aggregation behaviour of the species?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as – even in the absence of density data in the wild – we may conclude from studies in farms that densities in some tanks are potentially stress inducing. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as densities around 20 kg/m3 in cages increase welfare. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence, as wild information for SMOLTS, GRILSE, and KELTS is missing

6 Aggression
There is a range of adverse reactions in species, spanning from being relatively indifferent towards others to defending valuable resources (e.g., food, territory, mates) to actively attacking opponents.
What is the probability of the species being non-aggressive and non-territorial in captivity?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as – even in the absence of aggression data in the wild – we may conclude from studies in labs that some densities and current velocities potentially induce aggression. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as innovations to decrease aggression by decreasing density or increasing current velocity need to be verified for the farming context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.

7 Substrate
Depending on where in the water column the species lives, it differs in interacting with or relying on various substrates for feeding or covering purposes (e.g., plants, rocks and stones, sand and mud, turbidity).
What is the probability of providing the species' substrate and shelter needs in captivity?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as the species uses substrate, but many or all farming facilities for each age class are devoid of it. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions a) given hatching substrate for ALEVINS as well as cover and enrichment for PARR in tanks, b) as improvements for GRILSE and KELTS are unlikely, and c) as innovations for enrichment need to be verified for the farming context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence, as innovations for cages are missing, for example.

8 Stress
Farming involves subjecting the species to diverse procedures (e.g., handling, air exposure, short-term confinement, short-term crowding, transport), sudden parameter changes or repeated disturbances (e.g., husbandry, size-grading).
What is the probability of the species not being stressed?
It is low for minimal farming conditions. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as some innovations to reduce stress need to be verified for the farming context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.

9 Malformations
Deformities that – in contrast to diseases – are commonly irreversible may indicate sub-optimal rearing conditions (e.g., mechanical stress during hatching and rearing, environmental factors unless mentioned in crit. 3, aquatic pollutants, nutritional deficiencies) or a general incompatibility of the species with being farmed.
What is the probability of the species being malformed rarely?
It is low for minimal farming conditions, as malformation rates exceed 10%. It is medium for high-standard farming conditions, as some malformations result from conditions that may be changed (handling, heritability). Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence, as improvement of the situation by adjusting conditions needs more proof.

10 Slaughter
The cornerstone for a humane treatment is that slaughter a) immediately follows stunning (i.e., while the individual is unconscious), b) happens according to a clear and reproducible set of instructions verified under farming conditions, and c) avoids pain, suffering, and distress.
What is the probability of the species being slaughtered according to a humane slaughter protocol?
It is low for minimal farming conditions. It is high for high-standard farming conditions, as percussive stunning or electrical stunning, each followed by exsanguination, induce unconsciousness fast, kill while still unconscious, and are verified for the farming context. Our conclusions are based on a medium amount of evidence, as a reproducible set of rules for electrical stunning is missing.

Side note: Domestication
Teletchea and Fontaine introduced 5 domestication levels illustrating how far species are from having their life cycle closed in captivity without wild input, how long they have been reared in captivity, and whether breeding programmes are in place.
What is the species’ domestication level?
DOMESTICATION LEVEL 590, fully domesticated. Cultured since 19th century 9.
Side note: Forage fish in the feed
450-1,000 milliard wild-caught fishes end up being processed into fish meal and fish oil each year which contributes to overfishing and represents enormous suffering. There is a broad range of feeding types within species reared in captivity.
To what degree may fish meal and fish oil based on forage fish be replaced by non-forage fishery components (e.g., poultry blood meal) or sustainable sources (e.g., soybean cake)?
All age classes:
- WILD: carnivorous 919293.
- FARM: no data found yet.
- LAB: SMOLTS: fish oil may be partly* replaced by sustainable sources 94. Fish meal may be partly* replaced by sustainable sources parallel to fish oil being mostly* replaced 95.
* partly = <51% – mostly = 51-99% – completely = 100%
Side note: Commercial relevance
How much is this species farmed annually?
2,615,962 t/year 1990-2019 amounting to estimated 411,000,000-554,000,000 IND/year 1990-2019 96.
ALEVINS = larvae until the end of yolk sac absorption
ANADROMOUS = migrating from the sea into fresh water to spawn
DOMESTICATION LEVEL 5 = selective breeding programmes are used focusing on specific goals 90
FARM = setting in farming environment or under conditions simulating farming environment in terms of size of facility or number of individuals
FRY = larvae from external feeding on
GRILSE = adults returning from sea to home river to spawn
IND = individuals
JUVENILES = fully developed but immature individuals
KELTS = adults surviving spawning
LAB = setting in laboratory environment
LARVAE = hatching to mouth opening
PARR = juvenile stage in rivers
PELAGIC = living independent of bottom and shore of a body of water
PHOTOPERIOD = duration of daylight
RAS = Recirculating Aquaculture System - almost completely closed system using filters to clean and recirculate water with the aim of reducing water input and with the advantage of enabling close control of environmental parameters to maintain high water quality
SMOLTS = juvenile stage migrating to the sea
SPAWNERS = adults during the spawning season; in farms: adults that are kept as broodstock
WILD = setting in the wild
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