The fair-fish database is a project by the NGO fair-fish international and relies exclusively on donations. If you would like us to research a specific species, help us maintain and update the existing profiles or generally support our work, get in touch with us.
Donations can be made directly to:
fair-fish international association
Weiherweg 4
8610 Uster
CHF: CH68 0900 0000 8503 8259 6
EUR: CH51 0900 0000 9136 2602 9
Bank: PostFinance, 3030 Bern, Switzerland
Thank you very much for your help!
The following institutions supported our work
Open Philanthropy, San Francisco, USA
Stitung Edith Maryon, Basel, CH
Stiftung Dreiklang, Basel, CH
Centre of Effective Altruism, Oxford, UK
Elisabeth-Rentschler-Stiftung, Zürich, CH
Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Bern, CH
Uniscientia Stiftung, Zürich, CH
Haldimann-Stiftung, Aarau, CH
Eva Husi-Stifung für Tierschutz, Bern, CH
Schwyzer-Riniker-Stiftung, Zürich, CH
Zürcher Tierschutz, Zürich, CH
Rüegg-Bollinger-Stiftung, Wettingen, CH
Europäische Tierschutzstiftung, Urdorf, CH
Gust und Lyn Guhl-Stiftung, Schöfflisdorf, CH