
Atlantic mackerel

Scomber scombrus

Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)
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Distribution map: Scomber scombrus (Atlantic mackerel)


Authors: Jenny Volstorf, Caroline Marques Maia

Version: A | 0.1 (2025-01-21) (pre-release version)

Reviewers: N/A
Editor: Jenny Volstorf

Initial release: 2025-01-21
Version information:
  • Appearance: A

Cite as: »Volstorf, Jenny, and Caroline Marques Maia. 2025. Scomber scombrus (WelfareCheck | catch: Purse seines). In: fair-fish database, ed. fair-fish. World Wide Web electronic publication. Version A | 0.1 (pre-release). https://fair-fish-database.net.«

WelfareScore | catch

Scomber scombrus
× Purse seines
Release from gear
Bycatch avoidance


Condensed assessment of the species' likelihood and potential for good fish welfare in fisheries, based on ethological findings for 10 crucial criteria.

  • Li = Likelihood that the individuals of the species experience good welfare under minimal catching conditions
  • Po = Potential of the individuals of the species to experience good welfare under high-standard catching conditions
  • Ce = Certainty of our findings in Likelihood and Potential

WelfareScore = Sum of criteria scoring "High" (max. 10)

No findings

General remarks

Scomber scombrus is a marine species naturally inhabiting North Atlantic waters, including the Mediterranean. In fisheries, it is of commercial importance to many Atlantic fisheries, being extensively targeted by purse seine fisheries in European waters from the northern Norwegian Sea to waters off the Portuguese coast.

Slipping the whole or parts of a catch has traditionally been used in pelagic fisheries if catches are too large or the size and/or quality of the FISHES are regarded as unsatisfactorily, although high post-slipping mortalities have been reported. S. scombrus is delicate and particularly vulnerable to stress which explains the very high mortality rates following the stress of capture, handling, and retention in nets, with excessive crowding in the net being considered the principal stress mechanism. Transfer to the vessel mainly happens via pumps which avoids contact with air, but the arrival on deck or in the storage containers is most likely stressful and may lead to injuries. Further research is needed on welfare hazards and their consequences. S. scombrus is brought to land without prior stunning or slaughter. Stunning and slaughtering protocols are on the table, but validation in field studies are still needed.

1  Prospection

To find the fishes in their habitat, there are different techniques to localise them (e.g., echosound/sonar, chasing).

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during the process of searching for the species?

It is low for minimal and high-standard catching conditions, as noise initiates avoidance behaviour, and there is no proposal how to avoid it. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


  • When circling schools with a vessel at 90-340 m distance from the school centre, schools avoided the vessel and the sound emission pattern of the vessel horizontally – with increasing speed at increasing distance. During pursing, some schools maintained depth of ca 20-30 m when in net, others avoided capture by diving away under vessel, probably during leadline lifting 1.
    Encircling schools repeatedly at 100-200 m distance resulted in IND swimming closer to one another 2.
  • When confronted with a sequence of frequency pulses of 50-600 Hz of up to 171 dB re 1 μPa peak-to-peak at 10-35 m depth, schools mainly dived deeper quickly, some dispersed or changed density. Increasing probability to react with increasing sound level, with 50% schools reacting to 163.3 dB re 1 μPa peak-to-peak (particle velocity level of -80.4 dB re 1 m/s), 142.0 dB re 1 μPa2 s for single strike (particle velocity level -101.7 dB re 1 m2/s) 3. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
  • Echosounder/sonar (pulse repetition frequency of about 0.5 H 2) is commonly used to search for schools 42 and then to evaluate their size and biomass 152 while encircling them 2; sonar prospection used during the day 67, at night 78. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
    • Circumstances: purse seine net: 634 m length x 154 m depth, 31.5 mm mesh size 1, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, off Norway 1729, North Sea 62, off Corsica 8, summer 1
    • Related to consequence:  

Chasing: no data found yet.

Decreasing distance to neighbour: no data found yet.

Other: no data found yet.

2  Setting

Catching methods differ in the way they are set up and consequently in the time it takes for setting them.

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during the process of setting the catching method?

There are no findings for minimal and high-standard catching conditions.


Escape avoidance measures: no data found yet.

Decreasing distance to neighbour: no data found yet.

Other: no data found yet.

3  Catching

Given the principle of the catching method, the gear (with the fishes caught) may be hauled vertically or horizontally in the water for a certain amount of time and distance.

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during catching?

It is low for minimal catching conditions given crowding in the net as the purse seine is hauled close to the ship. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions a) given no risk of barotrauma, b) if high densities are prevented during crowding especially in the last 20% of hauling the purse seine, and c) if crowding is kept as short as possible (≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches) – the latter two of which need to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.


Contact with the gear (hooking, contact with the net/trap):
  • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Circumstances: purse seine net: 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10, off Norway 79, off Corsica 8
    • Related to consequences:    
  • Given catching during the day or – if at night – luring IND to the surface with the help of artificial light 13 and therefore catching at the surface 1089 with hauling speed 0.2-0.3 m/s 7, there is no risk of barotrauma 1415.
    • Circumstances: purse seine net: 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10, off Norway 1379, off Corsica 8
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: no risk of barotrauma
  • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Circumstances: purse seine net: 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10, off Norway 79, off Corsica 8
    • Related to consequences:    
    Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
    • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
      With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
      Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
      LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
      LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
      LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, Norwegian sea 71617, (northern) North Sea 617
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 71727, (northern) North Sea 17
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)

    Abrupt temperature change: no data found yet.

    Abrupt salinity change: no data found yet.

    Other: no data found yet.

    4  Emersion

    The process of bringing the fishes out of the water also depends on the catching method and may, thus, differ in duration and impact (e.g., netting, brailing, pumping, lifting).

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during emersion?

    It is low for minimal catching conditions given a) high crowding density, predation pressure, lack of oxygen, and contact with the gear in the purse seine close to the ship, b) decreasing distance to neighbours and contact with the gear in pumps, c) decreasing distance to neighbours, contact with the gear, and emersion to air in scoop nets. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions a) given no aggression by con-specifics, b) if pumping lower catch (55-80 t) with low velocity (1.2-1.8 t/min) for shorter time (27-85 min), and c) if avoiding high densities during crowding and keeping crowding as short as possible (≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches) – the latter two of which need to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.


    Crowding (deliberate step before getting the fishes out of the water):
    • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
      With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
      Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
      LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
      LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
      LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, Norwegian sea 71617, (northern) North Sea 617
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 71727, (northern) North Sea 17
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
    Predation pressure:
    • Given the principle of purse seine to catch IND at the surface and slowly haul the seine close to the ship 10 and thus no way of fleeing predators, there is the risk of stress by predators being present in or close to the net 1112.
      • Circumstances: North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10
      • Related to consequence:  
    Attacks by con-specifics:
    • Given that IND school 16321162, aggression between conspecifics is unlikely 1112.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 634 m length x 154 m depth, 31.5 mm mesh size 1, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 162 off Norway 1162, Lough Hyne, southwest coast of Ireland 3, summer 1, calm sea 3
      • Related to consequences:   
      • How to improve: attacks by con-specifics unlikely

    Light exposure: no data found yet.

    Lack of oxygen:
    • LAB: crowding trial: oxygen decreased by 1-2 g/L 26.
      LAB: hypoxia trial: no difference in swimming speeds and no change to schooling at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated density 27 and 44 IND/m3. Decreased schooling when additionally crowded (estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3) 21
      LAB: hypoxia trial: tendency of increased tail beat frequency at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 36.4-38.3% oxygen saturation for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally crowded (estimated 30 kg/m3) 22
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
    • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
    Contact with the gear:
    • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10, off Norway 79, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • Ca 1/2 catch was pumped from purse seines into first vessel, remaining 1/2 into secondary vessel – with 45° and/or 90° bend. Pumped through 12-18 inch ∅ hose for 27-85 min (each vessel) over 7-30 m length and 4-9.5 m height into refrigerated sea water tanks resulting in 81.3-95.7% fin injuries, 0.3-9.5% pressure injuries, 87.0-98.3% discolouration of fins. Higher damage to skin with higher pumping velocity (0.7-3.0% damage to skin at 1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.0-44.2% damage at 7.4-8.6 t/min). Large variation in discolouration of gills (0-91.2%), discolouration of skin (0-51.8%), discolouration of eyes (0-40%) with maximum value each at second vessel of highest catch volume and highest pump velocity. Higher mortality at second than first vessel, i.e. with increasing pumping time (46.8-62.7% after 27-85 min versus 82.5-96.2% after another 29-80 min), except no difference and generally lower mortality with lower total catch (23-24% mortality at 55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons) 29.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands
      • Related to consequences:   
      • How to improve: prefer lower pumping velocity (1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.4-8.6 t/min), shorter pumping time (27-85 min versus 56-165 min), lower catch volume (55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons)
    • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
    Experience its own weight:
    • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
    Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
    • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10, off Norway 79, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
      With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
      Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
      LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
      LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
      LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, Norwegian sea 71617, (northern) North Sea 617
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 71727, (northern) North Sea 17
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.

    Other: no data found yet.

    5  Release from gear

    There are different ways to remove the fishes from the gear (e.g., unhooking, disentangling, dropping).

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during release from the gear?

    It is low for minimal catching conditions given dropping, handling, and exposure to air. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions, as taking more care to increase welfare is easily imaginable but needs to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence due to a general lack of information on hazard consequences and on how to reduce or avoid them.


    Lack of oxygen:
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    Dropping (from net to deck/storage):
    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
    Handling (unhooking/touching/disentangling):
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4

    Other: no data found yet.

    6  Bycatch avoidance

    Not all specimens of the target species are equally sought after, e.g., when they are undersized, of wrong sex, wrong age, damaged or over quota. Measures to prevent this bycatch still in the water may include slipping in purse seine, window in net, opening in trap, etc.

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare with the help of bycatch-avoiding measures?

    It is low for minimal catching conditions a) because once in the purse seine, IND experience high crowding density, lack of oxygen, and contact with the gear having long-term effects even after escape and b) as size-sorting grids induce long-term mortality as well. It is medium for high-standard catching methods given a) sampling and/or slipping through discharge opening as early as possible, b) if high densities are prevented during crowding, and slipping happens before 80% of the seine is hauled in, and c) if crowding is kept as short as possible (≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches) – the latter two of which need to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.


    Lack of oxygen:
    • LAB: crowding trial: oxygen decreased by 1-2 g/L 26.
      LAB: hypoxia trial: no difference in swimming speeds and no change to schooling at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated density 27 and 44 IND/m3. Decreased schooling when additionally crowded (estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3) 21
      LAB: hypoxia trial: tendency of increased tail beat frequency at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 36.4-38.3% oxygen saturation for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally crowded (estimated 30 kg/m3) 22
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
    Contact with the gear:
    • LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
    • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
      Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.
    • Slipping through ≥18 m opening of bunt end of seine. Most of the time, IND did not escape – positive because keep school formation, but negative because of constraint in net. Of those escaping, they rather did in an orderly way (47%), staying in school formation without collisions. If escaping disorderly (39%), broke the school and collided with net or each other probably resulting in injuries. IND breaking away from school on their own or in small groups and escaping – only seldomly. Amount of IND escaping and way of escaping (orderly/disorderly) depending on vessel. Probability of escaping increased with increasing time of discharge left open – but so did escape in disorderly fashion, probably due to reluctance of leaving safety of school (e.g., towards predators) in threatening situation and only being forced out of the net as noise and proximity to net and conspecifics increased. Finding ways to increase orderly escapes – maybe with the help of visual stimuli – could benefit welfare 20.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 571-746 m length x 201-212 m depth, North and Norwegian Sea
      • Related to consequences:    
      • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening works and keeps IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more
    Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
    • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
      With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
      Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
      LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
      LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
      LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, Norwegian sea 71617, (northern) North Sea 617
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: slipping best before 80% of seine is hauled in before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
    • LAB: slipping trial: 30 min after simulated slipping (following 15 min crowding at 82 kg/m3), higher lactate and cortisol levels (not at 100 kg/m3), some IND turning blue. No difference in blood parameters between green and blue IND. 48 h after 15 min crowding (82-100 kg/m3), 5-7.7% mortality, 144 h after 147 kg/m3, 10.5% mortality 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding, until 100 IND/m3, mortality only after 6 h crowding duration. 50% mortality estimated to appear under crowding at 30 IND/m3 (6.5 kg/m3) for 48 h 4
      LAB: crowding trial: 2.5-6 days after 10-15 min simulated crowding (max 187 kg/m3), higher mortality than in uncrowded IND; less crowded IND (ca 31 kg/m3) in between 6
      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
      LAB: crowding trial: up to 27 days after 15 min simulated crowding (179.87 kg/m3), mortality ≤31% 25
    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 677 m length x 180-265 m depth 17, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 71727, (northern) North Sea 17
      • Related to consequences:     
      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
    • LAB: slipping trial: in a 1 m keep net, higher cumulative mortality the longer the crowding duration – even if lower density (e.g., 4.2% mortality after 0.2 h at 142 IND/m3 versus 5% mortality after 0.4 h at 100 IND/m3). Crowding by the side of the boat ca 10-20 min until skipper decides to slip catch or retain it. Duration of crowding before slipping will increase if skipper starts pumping and only after reaching the allowed catch size decides to slip part of the catch. Given a pumping capacity of 100-150 t/h and an allowable catch of 100 t, IND will be crowded for ≤1 h before being slipped. At 1,000 IND/m3 for 0.5 h, 74% mortality expected after 48 h 4
      • Related to consequence:  
      • How to improve: keep crowding duration as short as possible
    • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
      Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.
    • Slipping through ≥18 m opening of bunt end of seine. Most of the time, IND did not escape – positive because keep school formation, but negative because of constraint in net. Of those escaping, they rather did in an orderly way (47%), staying in school formation without collisions. If escaping disorderly (39%), broke the school and collided with net or each other probably resulting in injuries. IND breaking away from school on their own or in small groups and escaping – only seldomly. Amount of IND escaping and way of escaping (orderly/disorderly) depending on vessel. Probability of escaping increased with increasing time of discharge left open – but so did escape in disorderly fashion, probably due to reluctance of leaving safety of school (e.g., towards predators) in threatening situation and only being forced out of the net as noise and proximity to net and conspecifics increased. Finding ways to increase orderly escapes – maybe with the help of visual stimuli – could benefit welfare 20.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 571-746 m length x 201-212 m depth, North and Norwegian Sea
      • Related to consequences:    
      • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening works and keeps IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more

    Handling (unhooking/touching/disentangling): no data found yet.

    Displacement: no data found yet.

    Predation pressure:
    • Slipping through ≥18 m opening of bunt end of seine. Most of the time, IND did not escape – positive because keep school formation, but negative because of constraint in net. Of those escaping, they rather did in an orderly way (47%), staying in school formation without collisions. If escaping disorderly (39%), broke the school and collided with net or each other probably resulting in injuries. IND breaking away from school on their own or in small groups and escaping – only seldomly. Amount of IND escaping and way of escaping (orderly/disorderly) depending on vessel. Probability of escaping increased with increasing time of discharge left open – but so did escape in disorderly fashion, probably due to reluctance of leaving safety of school (e.g., towards predators) in threatening situation and only being forced out of the net as noise and proximity to net and conspecifics increased. Finding ways to increase orderly escapes – maybe with the help of visual stimuli – could benefit welfare 20.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 571-746 m length x 201-212 m depth, North and Norwegian Sea
      • Related to consequences:    
      • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening works and keeps IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more
    • Given that IND school 16321162, and given the principle of purse seine to catch whole schools 1089, there is a risk of bycatch (accidental catch of undersized, wrong sex, wrong age, damaged, over quota IND) of the target species 1112.
      After setting the net and in the initial stages of hauling, skippers or captains can get an impression of the catch by looking at a sample of fishes that come to the surface. At that point, they can abort the process if the catch does not include the target species and before the school is crowded 14.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 634 m length x 154 m depth, 31.5 mm mesh size 1, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 162 off Norway 11629, North Sea, off north east of Shetland Islands 10, Lough Hyne, southwest coast of Ireland 3, off Corsica 8, summer 1, calm sea 3
      • Related to consequence:  
      • How to improve: sampling
    • Slipping when catch exceeds size or IND are mixed, of wrong size, or bad quality 67.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, North Sea 6, off Norway
      • Related to consequence:  

    7  Sorting

    Given the species specificity of the method, sorting might be necessary once the catch arrives on deck.

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during sorting?

    It is low for minimal catching conditions given handling, dropping, and general lack of care for good welfare on board. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions, as taking more care to increase welfare is easily imaginable, but needs to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


    Lack of oxygen:
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
    • Rumours that fishers sort catch on deck and discard undersized IND. Would be detrimental for mackerel stock 28, and hazard consequences are probable 1112. Alternative could be size-grading while still in the water 28. For size grading through sorting grid → 6.2. Contact with the gear.
    Dropping (from deck to storage):
    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4

    Other: no data found yet.

    8  Discarding

    If bycatch of the target species could not be prevented, the individuals could still be returned from the gear/deck to the water.

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during discarding?

    It is unclear for minimal and high-standard catching conditions, as discarding is just rumoured and as it is unclear whether IND are dead when discarded. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


    Lack of oxygen:
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
    • Rumours that fishers sort catch on deck and discard undersized IND. Would be detrimental for mackerel stock 28, and hazard consequences are probable 1112. Alternative could be size-grading while still in the water 28. For size grading through sorting grid → 6.2. Contact with the gear.

    Displacement: no data found yet.

    Predation pressure: no data found yet.

    Other: no data found yet.

    9  Storing

    Given how long it takes the vessel to return to the harbour, the caught fishes have to be stored for a certain amount of time. This storing happens most frequently with the fishes still being alive, but differing in the type of storage containers and medium (ice, brine, air, etc.).

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during storing?

    It is low for minimal and high-standard catching conditions given live storage with no or little ice and no indications of avoiding this (by immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious). Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


    Lack of oxygen: no data found yet.

    Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
    • Given live storage in containers with (ice?) water 8, hazard consequences are probable. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
      Pumped into refrigerated sea water tanks 29302427 of 41-62 m3 with -1.1--0.3 °C and stored for 21-60 h with 82.5-96.2% mortality after 56-165 min 29.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 27, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
      • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
    Contact with the storing container:
    • Given live storage in containers with (ice?) water 8, hazard consequences are probable. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
      Pumped into refrigerated sea water tanks 29302427 of 41-62 m3 with -1.1--0.3 °C and stored for 21-60 h with 82.5-96.2% mortality after 56-165 min 29.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 27, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
      • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
    Exposure to the storing medium (air, ice, brine etc.):
    • Given live storage in containers with (ice?) water 8, hazard consequences are probable. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
      Pumped into refrigerated sea water tanks 29302427 of 41-62 m3 with -1.1--0.3 °C and stored for 21-60 h with 82.5-96.2% mortality after 56-165 min 29.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, Norwegian sea 27, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:    
      • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

    Other: no data found yet.

    10  Slaughter

    Ideally, slaughter a) immediately follows stunning (i.e., while the individual is unconscious), b) happens according to a clear and reproducible set of instructions verified under catching conditions, and c) avoids pain, suffering, and distress.

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during stunning/slaughter?

    It is low for minimal and high-standard catching conditions given asphyxia and hypothermia and as there is no protocol for immediate stunning – followed by slaughter while still unconscious – reported in the literature. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.


    • Given no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 – or given lifting with scoop net out of purse seine 716822 – into (ice?) water 8, ice slurries 30, or refrigerated sea water 29302427, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia or hypothermia 1112.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:   
      • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
    • LAB: stunning trial: dry electrical stunning followed by slaughter through chilling in freshwater or ice slurry, unconsciousness confirmed via behavioural indicators. No signs of haematomas or spine breaks 30
      • How to improve: LAB: dry electrical stunning, follwed by chilling in freshwater or ice slurry
    • Given no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 – or given lifting with scoop net out of purse seine 716822 – into (ice?) water 8, ice slurries 30, or refrigerated sea water 29302427, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia or hypothermia 1112.
      • Circumstances: purse seine net: 470-800 m length x 99-250 m depth 29, 650-850 m length x 170 m depth 28, 720 m length x 200-220 m depth 7, 764 m length x 212 m depth 27, 796 m length x 265 m depth 16, North Sea 282, North Sea off north east of Shetland Islands 10, North Sea between Norway, Great Britain, and Faroe Islands 29, off Norway 7162927, off Corsica 8
      • Related to consequences:   
      • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
    • LAB: stunning trial: dry electrical stunning followed by slaughter through chilling in freshwater or ice slurry, unconsciousness confirmed via behavioural indicators. No signs of haematomas or spine breaks 30
      • How to improve: LAB: dry electrical stunning, follwed by chilling in freshwater or ice slurry

    Side note: Uncategorised catching step

    Sometimes the literature does not specify the welfare hazards and the catching step that lead to hazard consequences.

    What are consequences that decrease welfare during uncategorised steps of the catching process?

    No data found yet.

    Side note: General improvements of the method

    The focus of this WelfareCheck | catch is the welfare of the target species. There could be improvements to the catching method that are not covered by the criteria and could include prevention of overexploitation, prevention of bycatch of non-target species, e.g., pingers to deter cetaceans, and avoiding damage to the environment, though.

    What are these improvements?

    To decrease suffering, the best is to avoid catching IND – that would be discarded – in the first place which could mean for the non-target species to slip them through a discharge opening while the purse seine is still in the water. Impact on benthos is most likely no issue, as the net is not dragged along the seafloor.
    • non-target species: given the principle of purse seine to catch whole schools 1089, there is the risks to also include co-existing, preyed-on, and predating species 1112. Welfare hazards including mortality are best avoided by preventing bycatch. For methods of bycatch prevention in the target species that might also work on non-target species → 6.2. Contact with the gear. Further research needed on co-existing, preyed-on, and predating species.
      • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening might work
    • non-target species: given the principle of purse seine to catch at the surface (avoid the bottom) 1089, seabed damage or impact on benthos respectively is unlikely 1112. When fishing takes place over the shelf or in shallower water, the bottom may be touched 1112. The net is not dragged along the seafloor 1089, though, so huge impact on benthos is unlikely 1112.
      • How to improve: impact on benthos unlikely

    Side note: Commercial relevance

    How much is this species targeted annually?

    865,220 t/year 2000-2019 amounting to estimated 1,900,000,000-2,300,000,000 IND/year 2000-2019 31.


    FISHES = using "fishes" instead of "fish" for more than one individual - whether of the same species or not - is inspired by Jonathan Balcombe who proposed this usage in his book "What a fish knows". By referring to a group as "fishes", we acknowledge the individuals with their personalities and needs instead of an anonymous mass of "fish".
    IND = individuals
    LAB = setting in laboratory environment


    1 Misund, O. A. 1993. Avoidance behaviour of herring (Clupea harengus) and mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in purse seine capture situations. Fisheries Research 16: 179–194. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(93)90051-8.
    2 Peña, H., G. J. Macaulay, E. Ona, S. Vatnehol, and A. J Holmin. 2021. Estimating individual fish school biomass using digital omnidirectional sonars, applied to mackerel and herring. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78: 940–951. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa237.
    3 Hawkins, A. D., L. Roberts, and S. Cheesman. 2014. Responses of free-living coastal pelagic fish to impulsive sounds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135: 3101–3116. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4870697.
    4 Lockwood, S. J., M. G. Pawson, and D. R. Eaton. 1983. The effects of crowding on mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) — Physical condition and mortality. Fisheries Research 2: 129–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(83)90114-5.
    5 Vatnehol, S., H.. Peña, and E. Ona. 2017. Estimating the volumes of fish schools from observations with multi-beam sonars. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 813–821. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsw186.
    6 Huse, Irene, and A. Vold. 2010. Mortality of mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) after pursing and slipping from a purse seine. Fisheries Research 106: 54–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2010.07.001.
    7 Tenningen, Maria, Héctor Peña, and Gavin J. Macaulay. 2015. Estimates of net volume available for fish shoals during commercial mackerel (Scomber scombrus) purse seining. Fisheries Research 161: 244–251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2014.08.003.
    8 Gallais, Stephan Le. 2018. La Pêche aux Maquereaux en Corse - PECHE CORSE - Décembre 2018 (YouTube).
    9 Seapix Ixblue. 2021. Mackerel fishing, purse seining in Norway (YouTube).
    10 kviav7. 2015. Mackerel Fishing in The North Sea September 2013 (YouTube).
    11 Volstorf, Jenny. 2024. Conclusion.
    12 Maia, Caroline Marques. 2024. Conclusion.
    13 Misund, Ole Arve, and Arvid K Beltestad. 2000. Survival of mackerel and saithe that escape through sorting grids in purse seines. Fisheries Research 48: 31–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-7836(00)00118-1.
    14 Marçalo, Ana. 2023. Personal communication.
    15 Pica, Andrea. 2023. Personal communication.
    16 Tenningen, M., G. J. Macaulay, G. Rieucau, H. Peña, and R. J. Korneliussen. 2017. Behaviours of Atlantic herring and mackerel in a purse-seine net, observed using multibeam sonar. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 359–368. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsw159.
    17 Tenningen, Maria, Armin Pobitzer, Nils Olav Handegard, and Karen de Jong. 2019. Estimating purse seine volume during capture: implications for fish densities and survival of released unwanted catches. Edited by Finbarr O’Neill. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76: 2481–2488. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz119.
    18 Breen, Mike. 2019. Personal communication.
    19 Fiskeridirektoratet. 2014. Section §48a in Regulations Relating to Sea-water Fisheries.
    20 Anders, Neil, Mike Breen, Jostein Saltskår, Bjørn Totland, Jan Tore Øvredal, and Aud Vold. 2019. Behavioural and welfare implications of a new slipping methodology for purse seine fisheries in Norwegian waters. PLOS ONE 14: e0213031. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213031.
    21 Handegard, N. O., M. Tenningen, K. Howarth, N. Anders, G. Rieucau, and M. Breen. 2017. Effects on schooling function in mackerel of sub-lethal capture related stressors: Crowding and hypoxia. PLOS ONE 12: e0190259. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190259.
    22 Anders, N., K. Howarth, B. Totland, N. O. Handegard, M. Tenningen, and M. Breen. 2019. Effects on individual level behaviour in mackerel (Scomber scombrus) of sub-lethal capture related stressors: Crowding and hypoxia. PLOS ONE 14: e0213709. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213709.
    23 Swift, D. J. 1983. Blood component value changes in the atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) subjected to capture, handling and confinement. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 76: 795–802. https://doi.org/10.1016/0300-9629(83)90143-3.
    24 Anders, N., I. Eide, J. Lerfall, B. Roth, and M. Breen. 2020. Physiological and flesh quality consequences of pre-mortem crowding stress in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). PLOS ONE 15: e0228454. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0228454.
    25 Tveit, G. M., N. Anders, M. S. Bondø, J. R. Mathiassen, and M. Breen. 2022. Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) change skin colour in response to crowding stress. Journal of Fish Biology 100: 738–747. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14987.
    26 Anders, Neil, Bjørn Roth, and Mike Breen. 2021. Physiological response and survival of Atlantic mackerel exposed to simulated purse seine crowding and release. Edited by John Mandelman. Conservation Physiology 9: coab076. https://doi.org/10.1093/conphys/coab076.
    27 Anders, Neil, Sigurd Hannaas, Jostein Saltskår, Erik Schuster, Maria Tenningen, Bjørn Totland, Aud Vold, Jan Tore Øvredal, and Mike Breen. 2022. Vitality as a measure of animal welfare during purse seine pumping related crowding of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scrombrus). Scientific Reports 12: 21949. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-26373-x.
    28 Misund, A., and K. Beltestad. 1994. Size-selection of mackerel and saithe in purse seine. International Council for .the Exploration of the Sea 28. B. Fish Capture Committee.
    29 Digre, H., G. M. Tveit, T. Solvang-Garten, A. Eilertsen, and I. G. Aursand. 2016. Pumping of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) onboard purse seiners, the effect on mortality, catch damage and fillet quality. Fisheries Research 176: 65–75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2015.12.011.
    30 Anders, Neil, Bjørn Roth, Endre Grimsbø, and Michael Breen. 2019. Assessing the effectiveness of an electrical stunning and chilling protocol for the slaughter of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). PLOS ONE 14: e0222122. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222122.
    31 Mood, Alison, and Phil Brooke. 2024. Estimating global numbers of fishes caught from the wild annually from 2000 to 2019. Animal Welfare 33: e6. https://doi.org/10.1017/awf.2024.7.


    Authors: Jenny Volstorf, Caroline Marques Maia

    Version: A | 0.1 (2025-01-21) (pre-release version)

    Please note: This view of the WelfareCheck was generated automatically from the default view.

    1  Physical damage

    As a consequence of welfare hazards, fishes may suffer from physical damage (e.g., barotrauma, abrasions/lacerations/wounds, ecchymosis, desiccation).

    Where in the catching process does physical damage occur and how to avoid it?

    Physical damage may occur most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours, contact with the gear, and handling. To avoid it during catching/hauling and emersion, a) take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in the last 20% of retrieving the purse seine – before the IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at the surface, and turn blue, b) keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches), and c) prefer lower pumping velocity (1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.4-8.6 t/min), shorter pumping time (27-85 min versus 56-165 min), and lower catch volume (55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons). To avoid it during bycatch release, a) slip the bycatch before 80% of the seine is hauled in, b) avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping, and c) slip through a discharge opening, as it works and keeps the IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more. Further research needed.

    1.1 Barotrauma

    Extruded eyes/gutsno data found yet.

    Ruptured swim bladderno data found yet.

    Bleedingno data found yet.

    • Given catching during the day or – if at night – luring IND to the surface with the help of artificial light 13 and therefore catching at the surface 1089 with hauling speed 0.2-0.3 m/s 7, there is no risk of barotrauma 1415.
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: no risk of barotrauma

    1.2 Damages/abrasions/lacerations/wounds

    Eye damageno data found yet.

    Skin damage
    • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
      With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
      Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
      LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
      LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
      LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
      • Catching steps:    
      • How to improve:
        • take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
        • slipping best before 80% of seine is hauled in before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
      • Catching steps:    
      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
    • Ca 1/2 catch was pumped from purse seines into first vessel, remaining 1/2 into secondary vessel – with 45° and/or 90° bend. Pumped through 12-18 inch ∅ hose for 27-85 min (each vessel) over 7-30 m length and 4-9.5 m height into refrigerated sea water tanks resulting in 81.3-95.7% fin injuries, 0.3-9.5% pressure injuries, 87.0-98.3% discolouration of fins. Higher damage to skin with higher pumping velocity (0.7-3.0% damage to skin at 1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.0-44.2% damage at 7.4-8.6 t/min). Large variation in discolouration of gills (0-91.2%), discolouration of skin (0-51.8%), discolouration of eyes (0-40%) with maximum value each at second vessel of highest catch volume and highest pump velocity. Higher mortality at second than first vessel, i.e. with increasing pumping time (46.8-62.7% after 27-85 min versus 82.5-96.2% after another 29-80 min), except no difference and generally lower mortality with lower total catch (23-24% mortality at 55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons) 29.
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: prefer lower pumping velocity (1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.4-8.6 t/min), shorter pumping time (27-85 min versus 56-165 min), lower catch volume (55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons)
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
    • LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping
    • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
      Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.
    Scale loss
    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
      • Catching steps:    
      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
    • LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping

    Broken spineno data found yet.

    • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Given that IND school 16321162, aggression between conspecifics is unlikely 1112.
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: attacks by con-specifics unlikely
    • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
    • Slipping through ≥18 m opening of bunt end of seine. Most of the time, IND did not escape – positive because keep school formation, but negative because of constraint in net. Of those escaping, they rather did in an orderly way (47%), staying in school formation without collisions. If escaping disorderly (39%), broke the school and collided with net or each other probably resulting in injuries. IND breaking away from school on their own or in small groups and escaping – only seldomly. Amount of IND escaping and way of escaping (orderly/disorderly) depending on vessel. Probability of escaping increased with increasing time of discharge left open – but so did escape in disorderly fashion, probably due to reluctance of leaving safety of school (e.g., towards predators) in threatening situation and only being forced out of the net as noise and proximity to net and conspecifics increased. Finding ways to increase orderly escapes – maybe with the help of visual stimuli – could benefit welfare 20.
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening works and keeps IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more
    • LAB: slipping trial: 30 min after simulated slipping (following 15 min crowding at 82 kg/m3), higher lactate and cortisol levels (not at 100 kg/m3), some IND turning blue. No difference in blood parameters between green and blue IND. 48 h after 15 min crowding (82-100 kg/m3), 5-7.7% mortality, 144 h after 147 kg/m3, 10.5% mortality 23.
      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding, until 100 IND/m3, mortality only after 6 h crowding duration. 50% mortality estimated to appear under crowding at 30 IND/m3 (6.5 kg/m3) for 48 h 4
      LAB: crowding trial: 2.5-6 days after 10-15 min simulated crowding (max 187 kg/m3), higher mortality than in uncrowded IND; less crowded IND (ca 31 kg/m3) in between 6
      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
      LAB: crowding trial: up to 27 days after 15 min simulated crowding (179.87 kg/m3), mortality ≤31% 25
      • Catching step:  
      • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping
    • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
      Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.
    • Rumours that fishers sort catch on deck and discard undersized IND. Would be detrimental for mackerel stock 28, and hazard consequences are probable 1112. Alternative could be size-grading while still in the water 28. For size grading through sorting grid → 6.2. Contact with the gear.

    1.3 Ecchymosis

    Bruising and discoloration of the skin due to squeezing

      1.4 Desiccation (surface issue)

      Unspecifiedno data found yet.

      2  Stress

      Stress is a likely consequence of various welfare hazards. It may be measured via physiological parameters (cortisol, glucose, lactate, etc.) or behavioural observations (e.g., opercular movement).

      Where in the catching process does stress occur and how to avoid it?

      Stress may occur most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours, contact with the gear or the storing container, and handling. To avoid it during catching/hauling and emersion, a) take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in the last 20% of retrieving the purse seine – before the IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at the surface, and turn blue, b) keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches). To avoid it during bycatch release, a) identify bycatch through sampling, b) slip the bycatch before 80% of the seine is hauled in, and c) avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping. To avoid it during storing, prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious. Further research needed.

      Cortisol, glucose, lactate, other physiological stress parameters
      • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
        With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
        Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
        Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
        Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
        LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
        LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
        LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
        LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
        LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
        • Catching steps:    
        • How to improve:
          • take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
          • slipping best before 80% of seine is hauled in before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
      • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
        Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
        LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
        LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
        LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
        LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
        • Catching steps:    
        • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
      • LAB: slipping trial: 30 min after simulated slipping (following 15 min crowding at 82 kg/m3), higher lactate and cortisol levels (not at 100 kg/m3), some IND turning blue. No difference in blood parameters between green and blue IND. 48 h after 15 min crowding (82-100 kg/m3), 5-7.7% mortality, 144 h after 147 kg/m3, 10.5% mortality 23.
        LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding, until 100 IND/m3, mortality only after 6 h crowding duration. 50% mortality estimated to appear under crowding at 30 IND/m3 (6.5 kg/m3) for 48 h 4
        LAB: crowding trial: 2.5-6 days after 10-15 min simulated crowding (max 187 kg/m3), higher mortality than in uncrowded IND; less crowded IND (ca 31 kg/m3) in between 6
        LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
        LAB: crowding trial: up to 27 days after 15 min simulated crowding (179.87 kg/m3), mortality ≤31% 25
        • Catching step:  
        • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping

      Opercular movementno data found yet.

      • Echosounder/sonar (pulse repetition frequency of about 0.5 H 2) is commonly used to search for schools 42 and then to evaluate their size and biomass 152 while encircling them 2; sonar prospection used during the day 67, at night 78. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
      • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
      • Given the principle of purse seine to catch IND at the surface and slowly haul the seine close to the ship 10 and thus no way of fleeing predators, there is the risk of stress by predators being present in or close to the net 1112.
      • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
      • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
      • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
        LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
      • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
        Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.
      • Given that IND school 16321162, and given the principle of purse seine to catch whole schools 1089, there is a risk of bycatch (accidental catch of undersized, wrong sex, wrong age, damaged, over quota IND) of the target species 1112.
        After setting the net and in the initial stages of hauling, skippers or captains can get an impression of the catch by looking at a sample of fishes that come to the surface. At that point, they can abort the process if the catch does not include the target species and before the school is crowded 14.
      • Slipping when catch exceeds size or IND are mixed, of wrong size, or bad quality 67.
      • Rumours that fishers sort catch on deck and discard undersized IND. Would be detrimental for mackerel stock 28, and hazard consequences are probable 1112. Alternative could be size-grading while still in the water 28. For size grading through sorting grid → 6.2. Contact with the gear.
      • Given live storage in containers with (ice?) water 8, hazard consequences are probable. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
        Pumped into refrigerated sea water tanks 29302427 of 41-62 m3 with -1.1--0.3 °C and stored for 21-60 h with 82.5-96.2% mortality after 56-165 min 29.
        • Catching step:  
        • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

      3  Temperature shock

      The difference between temperature in water and air may induce a thermal shock.

      Where in the catching process does temperature shock occur and how to avoid it?

      Temperature shock may occur during exposure to (ice) water. To avoid it during storing and slaughter, prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious. Further research needed.

      • Given live storage in containers with (ice?) water 8, hazard consequences are probable. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
        Pumped into refrigerated sea water tanks 29302427 of 41-62 m3 with -1.1--0.3 °C and stored for 21-60 h with 82.5-96.2% mortality after 56-165 min 29.
        • Catching step:  
        • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
      • Given no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 – or given lifting with scoop net out of purse seine 716822 – into (ice?) water 8, ice slurries 30, or refrigerated sea water 29302427, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia or hypothermia 1112.
        • Catching step:  
        • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

      4  Osmoregulatory distress

      The quick transition from one salinity level to another may lead to osmoregulatory distress.

      Where in the catching process does osmoregulatory distress occur and how to avoid it?

      There is no conclusion yet.


        5  Disorientation

        Removing an individual from its home ground and social group and subjecting it to a potentially stressful catching event may result in disorientation.

        Where in the catching process does disorientation occur and how to avoid it?

        There is no conclusion yet.


          6  Asphyxia

          Lack of oxygen is a likely consequence for aquatic species facing removal from the water.

          Where in the catching process does asphyxia occur and how to avoid it?

          Asphyxia may occur through lack of oxygen. To avoid it from emersion on, prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious. Further research needed.

          Behaviour indicating lack of oxygen (gulping, tail beating, etc.)
          • LAB: crowding trial: oxygen decreased by 1-2 g/L 26.
            LAB: hypoxia trial: no difference in swimming speeds and no change to schooling at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated density 27 and 44 IND/m3. Decreased schooling when additionally crowded (estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3) 21
            LAB: hypoxia trial: tendency of increased tail beat frequency at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 36.4-38.3% oxygen saturation for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally crowded (estimated 30 kg/m3) 22
            LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
          Intolerance towards lower concentrations of oxygen
          • LAB: crowding trial: oxygen decreased by 1-2 g/L 26.
            LAB: hypoxia trial: no difference in swimming speeds and no change to schooling at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated density 27 and 44 IND/m3. Decreased schooling when additionally crowded (estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3) 21
            LAB: hypoxia trial: tendency of increased tail beat frequency at 2.8-3.3 mg/L or 36.4-38.3% oxygen saturation for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally crowded (estimated 30 kg/m3) 22
            LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
          • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
          • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
          • Given no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 – or given lifting with scoop net out of purse seine 716822 – into (ice?) water 8, ice slurries 30, or refrigerated sea water 29302427, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia or hypothermia 1112.
            • Catching step:  
            • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

            7  Dehydration (internal issue)

            Loss of water is another likely consequence of exposing aquatic species to air.

            Where in the catching process does dehydration occur and how to avoid it?

            There is no conclusion yet.

            Unspecifiedno data found yet.

            8  Fatigue/exhaustion

            In an attempt to escape the situation of being caught, many individuals struggle and resist until they are exhausted.

            Where in the catching process does fatigue/exhaustion occur and how to avoid it?

            Fatigue may occur during decreasing distance to neighbours. To avoid it during catching/hauling, emersion, and bycatch release, keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches). Further research needed.

            Inactivity/low vitality
            • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
              Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
              LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
              LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
              LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
              LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
              • Catching steps:    
              • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)

            Oxidative stressno data found yet.


              9  Emotion-like states

              The process of being caught probably induces states not unlike emotions.

              Where in the catching process do emotion-like states occur and how to avoid them?

              Fear up to panic may occur most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours. To avoid it during catching/hauling and emersion, take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in the last 20% of retrieving the purse seine before the IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at the surface, and turn blue. To avoid it during bycatch release, a) slip the bycatch before 80% of the seine is hauled in, b) slip through a discharge opening, as it works and keeps the IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit the welfare even more. Further research needed.

              9.1 Fear (continuum up to panic)

                Freezeno data found yet.

                Avoidance behaviour
                • When circling schools with a vessel at 90-340 m distance from the school centre, schools avoided the vessel and the sound emission pattern of the vessel horizontally – with increasing speed at increasing distance. During pursing, some schools maintained depth of ca 20-30 m when in net, others avoided capture by diving away under vessel, probably during leadline lifting 1.
                  Encircling schools repeatedly at 100-200 m distance resulted in IND swimming closer to one another 2.
                • When confronted with a sequence of frequency pulses of 50-600 Hz of up to 171 dB re 1 μPa peak-to-peak at 10-35 m depth, schools mainly dived deeper quickly, some dispersed or changed density. Increasing probability to react with increasing sound level, with 50% schools reacting to 163.3 dB re 1 μPa peak-to-peak (particle velocity level of -80.4 dB re 1 m/s), 142.0 dB re 1 μPa2 s for single strike (particle velocity level -101.7 dB re 1 m2/s) 3. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
                Escape manoeuvres
                • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
                  With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
                  Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
                  Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
                  Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
                  LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
                  LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
                  LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
                  LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
                  LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
                  • Catching steps:    
                  • How to improve:
                    • take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
                    • slipping best before 80% of seine is hauled in before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
                • Slipping through ≥18 m opening of bunt end of seine. Most of the time, IND did not escape – positive because keep school formation, but negative because of constraint in net. Of those escaping, they rather did in an orderly way (47%), staying in school formation without collisions. If escaping disorderly (39%), broke the school and collided with net or each other probably resulting in injuries. IND breaking away from school on their own or in small groups and escaping – only seldomly. Amount of IND escaping and way of escaping (orderly/disorderly) depending on vessel. Probability of escaping increased with increasing time of discharge left open – but so did escape in disorderly fashion, probably due to reluctance of leaving safety of school (e.g., towards predators) in threatening situation and only being forced out of the net as noise and proximity to net and conspecifics increased. Finding ways to increase orderly escapes – maybe with the help of visual stimuli – could benefit welfare 20.
                  • Catching step:  
                  • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening works and keeps IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more
                Startling behaviour
                • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
                  With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
                  Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
                  Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
                  Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
                  LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
                  LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
                  LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
                  LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
                  LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
                  • Catching steps:    
                  • How to improve:
                    • take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
                    • slipping best before 80% of seine is hauled in before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
                • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
                  Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.

                  9.2 Other


                    10  Mortality

                    Although killing is the ultimate goal of fisheries, many mortalities happen unwanted - even resulting in discards - and unregulated, without avoiding prolonged suffering.

                    Where in the catching process does mortality occur and how to avoid it?

                      Mortality may occur most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours, contact with the gear, and handling. To avoid it during catching/hauling and emersion, a) take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in the last 20% of retrieving the purse seine – before the IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at the surface, and turn blue, b) keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches), c) prefer lower pumping velocity (1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.4-8.6 t/min), shorter pumping time (27-85 min versus 56-165 min), and lower catch volume (55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons). To avoid it during bycatch release, a) slip the bycatch before 80% of the seine is hauled in, b) avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping, and c) keep the crowding duration as short as possible. To avoid it during storing, prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious. Further research needed.

                    • Given the principle of purse seine to encircle the IND, haul the net close to the ship, and crowd the IND before transferring them into the storage space of the ship 1089, taking 40-50 min/haul 4, 1.5 h/haul 7, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
                    • As the seine was hauled, school density slighted increased 16.
                      With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND - less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
                      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t) 17. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
                      Norwegian legislation: slipping best before 7/8 (87.5%) of net pumped out 1920.
                      Above critical crowding level (here: 187 kg/m3), panic behaviour: dissolving schooling, rushing to surface, dashing 6.
                      LAB: crowding trial: decreased schooling at estimated 25 or 62-63 IND/m3 in response to predator model; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (2.8-3.3 mg/L or 40% oxygen saturation at estimated 13, 37, 63, 78 IND/m3). Probably <1% mortality presumably through skin injuries 21
                      LAB: crowding trial: increased tail beat frequency at estimated 30 kg/m3 for 2 h indicating increased swimming speed; no additive effect when additionally under hypoxic conditions (3.0-3.3 mg/L or 36.9-38.7% oxygen saturation) 22
                      LAB: after 15 min of simulated purse seining at 82-100 kg/m3, no differences in blood lactate, glucose, cortisol probably due to IND being subjected to a second stressor (being put in a net) shortly after a first stressor (being hooked and put in a tank) 23.
                      LAB: crowding trial: after 34-60 min intense crowding, increased plasma ion, cortisol, glucose, lactate, decreased muscle pH. Earlier onset of rigor mortis, more stiff, higher latency to resolve. Slightly more gaping and worse texture but only after 2 days on ice, not 7 24
                      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25
                      • Catching steps:    
                      • How to improve:
                        • take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
                        • slipping best before 80% of seine is hauled in before IND dissolve schooling, start dashing at surface, and turn blue
                    • With increasing hauling, net volume decreased from 1,300,000 m3 at 5-15% hauled to 130,000 m3 at 70-80% hauled or 1.4 m3/IND to 0.5 m3/IND – less space per IND with a larger catch. Extrapolation for 90% hauled: 0.03 m3/IND at 500 t catch or 0.02 m3/IND at 1,000 t catch. Shoal density independent of hauling rate: 6-31 IND/m37.
                      Below-critical densities to be expected in median-sized catches (270 t) until 80% of seine is hauled in, whereas critical crowding levels were reached in large catches (650-985 t). >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 17 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1817; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 17.
                      LAB: crowding trial: following 15 min crowding, increasing cortisol, lactate, osmolality with increasing density (92-179.9 kg/m3) – even more so after 60 min crowding at 182.8 kg/m3. Lactate levels back to normal 2 hours later under 92-146.2 kg/m3, 24 h under 179.9 kg/m3. Cortisol recovered in all conditions 24 h later, glucose still elevated. Dying IND with extremely high lactate, extremely low glucose levels. When checked during the trial, IND were not injured. Injuries were discovered 8-20 days later (→ 6.3. Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing)26.
                      LAB: crowding trial: lower vitality the longer and more densely crowded (182.8 kg/m3 at 1.1-1.2 h versus 92-179.9 kg/m3 at 0.2-0.3 h) where vitality contained swimming behaviour and reflexes and indicated the welfare state. Under fisheries conditions, after crowding (30-406.5 tonnes, mean 151 tonnes catch size) and pumping on board (0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h), lower vitality the longer exposure to crowding. No effect of dissolved oxygen on vitality score 27.
                      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4.
                      LAB: crowding trial: skin of IND turned blue - even more so when crowded at higher density and longer (1 h 10 min at 182.8 kg/m3 versus 15 min at 92 kg/m3). More blue at 2 h after crowding. Good correlation of blueness with plasma lactate, not with glucose or cortisol, indicating possible link to hypoxia 25.
                      • Catching steps:    
                      • How to improve: keep the duration of crowding as short as possible (LAB: ≤0.3 h, best by focusing on smaller catches)
                    • Given that IND school 16321162, aggression between conspecifics is unlikely 1112.
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: attacks by con-specifics unlikely
                    • If not pumped, IND are lifted out of the purse seine into the storage space of the ship with a scoop net or brailer 716822. Given the force with which the net is dipped into the purse seine, exposure to air, and the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
                    • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 42810729165302224292725 for 0.1-1.2 h, mean 0.4 h 27 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 716822). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
                    • Ca 1/2 catch was pumped from purse seines into first vessel, remaining 1/2 into secondary vessel – with 45° and/or 90° bend. Pumped through 12-18 inch ∅ hose for 27-85 min (each vessel) over 7-30 m length and 4-9.5 m height into refrigerated sea water tanks resulting in 81.3-95.7% fin injuries, 0.3-9.5% pressure injuries, 87.0-98.3% discolouration of fins. Higher damage to skin with higher pumping velocity (0.7-3.0% damage to skin at 1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.0-44.2% damage at 7.4-8.6 t/min). Large variation in discolouration of gills (0-91.2%), discolouration of skin (0-51.8%), discolouration of eyes (0-40%) with maximum value each at second vessel of highest catch volume and highest pump velocity. Higher mortality at second than first vessel, i.e. with increasing pumping time (46.8-62.7% after 27-85 min versus 82.5-96.2% after another 29-80 min), except no difference and generally lower mortality with lower total catch (23-24% mortality at 55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons) 29.
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: prefer lower pumping velocity (1.2-1.8 t/min versus 7.4-8.6 t/min), shorter pumping time (27-85 min versus 56-165 min), lower catch volume (55-80 tons versus 132-250 tons)
                    • If not pumped, after scooping the IND out of the purse seine, the scoop net is released above the storage space of the ship 716822. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard in plastic containers, being catapulted away from the containers, kicked or stood on by fishing folks, and exposure to air, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
                    • Some IND may be entangled in the net. Given dropping from a certain height, landing hard on deck, being kicked or stood on by fishing folks 10, hazard consequences are probable 1112. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
                      LAB: crowding trial: IND that were crowded, handled, or dropped developed blue skin almost immediately. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other, struggling on deck) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
                    • LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
                      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping
                    • Size selection via stiff netting fitted 25 m from the breast of a purse seine when crowded close to vessel lead to IND being gilled in the netting and blocking the mechanism. Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine took ca 20 min for 400 t catch and worked for many small IND. Not all approached grid, though. Some IND got stuck in the metal bars. Selection process decreased with increasing mortality, probably due to lack of oxygen 28.
                      Size selection via metal grid lowered into the purse seine resulted in IND "panicking", jumping out of the water, dashing in all directions with increasing hauling probably leading to stress and skin injuries. In many IND, skin turned blue after towing to sheltered place. Mortality after 1 month 0.5-1.6% in small-scale experiments, 44-82% under fisheries conditions depending on how long IND were towed in purse seine to sheltered position and whether sea was rough or calm. Results indicate negative outlook of effectiveness of size sorting in terms of mortality of escapees 13.
                    • LAB: slipping trial: 30 min after simulated slipping (following 15 min crowding at 82 kg/m3), higher lactate and cortisol levels (not at 100 kg/m3), some IND turning blue. No difference in blood parameters between green and blue IND. 48 h after 15 min crowding (82-100 kg/m3), 5-7.7% mortality, 144 h after 147 kg/m3, 10.5% mortality 23.
                      LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding, until 100 IND/m3, mortality only after 6 h crowding duration. 50% mortality estimated to appear under crowding at 30 IND/m3 (6.5 kg/m3) for 48 h 4
                      LAB: crowding trial: 2.5-6 days after 10-15 min simulated crowding (max 187 kg/m3), higher mortality than in uncrowded IND; less crowded IND (ca 31 kg/m3) in between 6
                      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
                      LAB: crowding trial: up to 27 days after 15 min simulated crowding (179.87 kg/m3), mortality ≤31% 25
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping
                    • LAB: slipping trial: in a 1 m keep net, higher cumulative mortality the longer the crowding duration – even if lower density (e.g., 4.2% mortality after 0.2 h at 142 IND/m3 versus 5% mortality after 0.4 h at 100 IND/m3). Crowding by the side of the boat ca 10-20 min until skipper decides to slip catch or retain it. Duration of crowding before slipping will increase if skipper starts pumping and only after reaching the allowed catch size decides to slip part of the catch. Given a pumping capacity of 100-150 t/h and an allowable catch of 100 t, IND will be crowded for ≤1 h before being slipped. At 1,000 IND/m3 for 0.5 h, 74% mortality expected after 48 h 4
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: keep crowding duration as short as possible
                    • Rumours that fishers sort catch on deck and discard undersized IND. Would be detrimental for mackerel stock 28, and hazard consequences are probable 1112. Alternative could be size-grading while still in the water 28. For size grading through sorting grid → 6.2. Contact with the gear.
                    • Given live storage in containers with (ice?) water 8, hazard consequences are probable. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
                      Pumped into refrigerated sea water tanks 29302427 of 41-62 m3 with -1.1--0.3 °C and stored for 21-60 h with 82.5-96.2% mortality after 56-165 min 29.
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

                    11  Uncategorised behavioural changes

                    When it is difficult to assign an observed behaviour to one of the above categories, we report it here.

                    Where in the catching process do uncategorised behavioural changes occur and how to avoid them?

                    • When circling schools with a vessel at 90-340 m distance from the school centre, schools avoided the vessel and the sound emission pattern of the vessel horizontally – with increasing speed at increasing distance. During pursing, some schools maintained depth of ca 20-30 m when in net, others avoided capture by diving away under vessel, probably during leadline lifting 1.
                      Encircling schools repeatedly at 100-200 m distance resulted in IND swimming closer to one another 2.
                    • When confronted with a sequence of frequency pulses of 50-600 Hz of up to 171 dB re 1 μPa peak-to-peak at 10-35 m depth, schools mainly dived deeper quickly, some dispersed or changed density. Increasing probability to react with increasing sound level, with 50% schools reacting to 163.3 dB re 1 μPa peak-to-peak (particle velocity level of -80.4 dB re 1 m/s), 142.0 dB re 1 μPa2 s for single strike (particle velocity level -101.7 dB re 1 m2/s) 3. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences.
                    • LAB: crowding trial: in simulated crowding with increasing density, IND left shoal at 15-20 IND/m3, swam individually at normal velocity until 150 IND/m3. Developed blue skin almost immediately. More body surface turning blue the longer the crowding. Abrasion (e.g., contact with the net, rubbing against each other) will result in loss of scales and mucus, leading within 2-3 days to skin loss and death 4
                      LAB: crowding trial: 8-20 days after 15 min simulated crowding, increasing number of injured IND and increasing mortality with increasing density from 0.2% injured IND and 0% mortality at 92 kg/m3 to 0.6% injured IND and 30% mortality at 179.9 kg/m3. Injuries probably from contact with the net or other IND. All dying or dead IND had injuries 26
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: LAB: avoid crowding beyond 92 kg/m3 before slipping
                    • Slipping through ≥18 m opening of bunt end of seine. Most of the time, IND did not escape – positive because keep school formation, but negative because of constraint in net. Of those escaping, they rather did in an orderly way (47%), staying in school formation without collisions. If escaping disorderly (39%), broke the school and collided with net or each other probably resulting in injuries. IND breaking away from school on their own or in small groups and escaping – only seldomly. Amount of IND escaping and way of escaping (orderly/disorderly) depending on vessel. Probability of escaping increased with increasing time of discharge left open – but so did escape in disorderly fashion, probably due to reluctance of leaving safety of school (e.g., towards predators) in threatening situation and only being forced out of the net as noise and proximity to net and conspecifics increased. Finding ways to increase orderly escapes – maybe with the help of visual stimuli – could benefit welfare 20.
                      • Catching step:  
                      • How to improve: slipping through discharge opening works and keeps IND in the water and in school formation, but encouraging earlier escape would benefit welfare even more


                    FISHES = using "fishes" instead of "fish" for more than one individual - whether of the same species or not - is inspired by Jonathan Balcombe who proposed this usage in his book "What a fish knows". By referring to a group as "fishes", we acknowledge the individuals with their personalities and needs instead of an anonymous mass of "fish".
                    IND = individuals
                    LAB = setting in laboratory environment


                    1 Misund, O. A. 1993. Avoidance behaviour of herring (Clupea harengus) and mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in purse seine capture situations. Fisheries Research 16: 179–194. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(93)90051-8.
                    2 Peña, H., G. J. Macaulay, E. Ona, S. Vatnehol, and A. J Holmin. 2021. Estimating individual fish school biomass using digital omnidirectional sonars, applied to mackerel and herring. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78: 940–951. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsaa237.
                    3 Hawkins, A. D., L. Roberts, and S. Cheesman. 2014. Responses of free-living coastal pelagic fish to impulsive sounds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135: 3101–3116. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4870697.
                    4 Lockwood, S. J., M. G. Pawson, and D. R. Eaton. 1983. The effects of crowding on mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) — Physical condition and mortality. Fisheries Research 2: 129–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(83)90114-5.
                    5 Vatnehol, S., H.. Peña, and E. Ona. 2017. Estimating the volumes of fish schools from observations with multi-beam sonars. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 813–821. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsw186.
                    6 Huse, Irene, and A. Vold. 2010. Mortality of mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) after pursing and slipping from a purse seine. Fisheries Research 106: 54–59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2010.07.001.
                    7 Tenningen, Maria, Héctor Peña, and Gavin J. Macaulay. 2015. Estimates of net volume available for fish shoals during commercial mackerel (Scomber scombrus) purse seining. Fisheries Research 161: 244–251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2014.08.003.
                    8 Gallais, Stephan Le. 2018. La Pêche aux Maquereaux en Corse - PECHE CORSE - Décembre 2018 (YouTube).
                    9 Seapix Ixblue. 2021. Mackerel fishing, purse seining in Norway (YouTube).
                    10 kviav7. 2015. Mackerel Fishing in The North Sea September 2013 (YouTube).
                    11 Volstorf, Jenny. 2024. Conclusion.
                    12 Maia, Caroline Marques. 2024. Conclusion.
                    13 Misund, Ole Arve, and Arvid K Beltestad. 2000. Survival of mackerel and saithe that escape through sorting grids in purse seines. Fisheries Research 48: 31–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-7836(00)00118-1.
                    14 Marçalo, Ana. 2023. Personal communication.
                    15 Pica, Andrea. 2023. Personal communication.
                    16 Tenningen, M., G. J. Macaulay, G. Rieucau, H. Peña, and R. J. Korneliussen. 2017. Behaviours of Atlantic herring and mackerel in a purse-seine net, observed using multibeam sonar. ICES Journal of Marine Science 74: 359–368. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsw159.
                    17 Tenningen, Maria, Armin Pobitzer, Nils Olav Handegard, and Karen de Jong. 2019. Estimating purse seine volume during capture: implications for fish densities and survival of released unwanted catches. Edited by Finbarr O’Neill. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76: 2481–2488. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz119.
                    18 Breen, Mike. 2019. Personal communication.
                    19 Fiskeridirektoratet. 2014. Section §48a in Regulations Relating to Sea-water Fisheries.
                    20 Anders, Neil, Mike Breen, Jostein Saltskår, Bjørn Totland, Jan Tore Øvredal, and Aud Vold. 2019. Behavioural and welfare implications of a new slipping methodology for purse seine fisheries in Norwegian waters. PLOS ONE 14: e0213031. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213031.
                    21 Handegard, N. O., M. Tenningen, K. Howarth, N. Anders, G. Rieucau, and M. Breen. 2017. Effects on schooling function in mackerel of sub-lethal capture related stressors: Crowding and hypoxia. PLOS ONE 12: e0190259. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190259.
                    22 Anders, N., K. Howarth, B. Totland, N. O. Handegard, M. Tenningen, and M. Breen. 2019. Effects on individual level behaviour in mackerel (Scomber scombrus) of sub-lethal capture related stressors: Crowding and hypoxia. PLOS ONE 14: e0213709. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213709.
                    23 Swift, D. J. 1983. Blood component value changes in the atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) subjected to capture, handling and confinement. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 76: 795–802. https://doi.org/10.1016/0300-9629(83)90143-3.
                    24 Anders, N., I. Eide, J. Lerfall, B. Roth, and M. Breen. 2020. Physiological and flesh quality consequences of pre-mortem crowding stress in Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). PLOS ONE 15: e0228454. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0228454.
                    25 Tveit, G. M., N. Anders, M. S. Bondø, J. R. Mathiassen, and M. Breen. 2022. Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) change skin colour in response to crowding stress. Journal of Fish Biology 100: 738–747. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14987.
                    26 Anders, Neil, Bjørn Roth, and Mike Breen. 2021. Physiological response and survival of Atlantic mackerel exposed to simulated purse seine crowding and release. Edited by John Mandelman. Conservation Physiology 9: coab076. https://doi.org/10.1093/conphys/coab076.
                    27 Anders, Neil, Sigurd Hannaas, Jostein Saltskår, Erik Schuster, Maria Tenningen, Bjørn Totland, Aud Vold, Jan Tore Øvredal, and Mike Breen. 2022. Vitality as a measure of animal welfare during purse seine pumping related crowding of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scrombrus). Scientific Reports 12: 21949. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-26373-x.
                    28 Misund, A., and K. Beltestad. 1994. Size-selection of mackerel and saithe in purse seine. International Council for .the Exploration of the Sea 28. B. Fish Capture Committee.
                    29 Digre, H., G. M. Tveit, T. Solvang-Garten, A. Eilertsen, and I. G. Aursand. 2016. Pumping of mackerel (Scomber scombrus) onboard purse seiners, the effect on mortality, catch damage and fillet quality. Fisheries Research 176: 65–75. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2015.12.011.
                    30 Anders, Neil, Bjørn Roth, Endre Grimsbø, and Michael Breen. 2019. Assessing the effectiveness of an electrical stunning and chilling protocol for the slaughter of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus). PLOS ONE 14: e0222122. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222122.
                    31 Mood, Alison, and Phil Brooke. 2024. Estimating global numbers of fishes caught from the wild annually from 2000 to 2019. Animal Welfare 33: e6. https://doi.org/10.1017/awf.2024.7.

                    hazard consequences
                    show all details