Farming remarks
Salvelinus alpinus alpinus is a highly plastic and very resilient freshwater fish. It is thus appealing for farming, but there are several issues in welfare that need improvement as well as many aspects of its biology that remain understudied. Despite its plasticity, spatial needs in farming systems are not met. Stationary morphs should be more suitable for farming. Spawning induction is highly invasive, and the rearing environment should be improved. Proper attention should be given to its feeding needs (it is sually reared on diets formulated for either Oncorhynchus mykiss or Salmo salar), and fish-derived sources should be replaced with sustainable sources. Stress responses to common farming practices are not known, and a humane stunning and slaughter protocol needs to be established.
For details see: WelfareCheck | farm (latest major release: 2017-03-03)