Farming remarks
Octopus vulgaris has recently aroused much interest in aquaculture, considered suitable for large-scale production given its commercial value, its fecundity, rapid growth, high protein content, and high feed efficiency rate. The main problem, however, is the high mortality rate observed during paralarval rearing, making successful JUVENILES settlement still very difficult to achieve. Unfortunately, despite the high knowledge on the biology and ethology of this species, there are many other aspects to be solved from a welfare perspective. For instance, the current farming systems result in high stress in O. vulgaris due to spatial constraint, high densities, and sociability, which consequently increase aggression (cannibalism and autophagy) at different life stages. In addition, octopus skin is particularly sensitive and can be easily damaged during handling, transportation or stressful confinement conditions. A humane slaughtering protocol is not yet established, since the nature and degree of any suffering during current practices are unknown. O. vulgaris appears capable of experiencing pain and suffering, exhibits cognitive complexity and sophisticated behavioural patterns which can be interpreted and serve as indicator of the welfare status.
For details see: WelfareCheck | farm (latest major release: 2019-10-08)
Related news
FishTalk is our podcast, which is updated monthly. FishEthoBase programme at Fish Talk is composed of series of brief audios focused on fish species with profiles already published in our FishEthoBase. The idea is to give information about natural needs, behaviours or farming conditions of fishes and other aquatic farmed animals in less than 3 min.
Now we just released new episodes of FishEthoBase programme. This time the episodes are focused on Common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), Mexican four-eyed octopus (Octopus maya) and Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris).
If you are interested, please click here to listen to the new episodes (series 6).