
Atlantic herring

Clupea harengus

Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)
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Distribution map: Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring)


Author: María J. Cabrera-Álvarez
Version: A | 0.2 (2024-12-31) (pre-release version)

Reviewers: N/A
Editor: Jenny Volstorf

Initial release: 2023-11-20
Version information:
  • Appearance: A
  • Last minor update: 2024-12-31

Cite as: »Cabrera-Álvarez, María J.. 2024. Clupea harengus (WelfareCheck | catch: Purse seines). In: fair-fish database, ed. fair-fish. World Wide Web electronic publication. Version A | 0.2 (pre-release). https://fair-fish-database.net.«

WelfareScore | catch

Clupea harengus
× Purse seines
Release from gear
Bycatch avoidance


Condensed assessment of the species' likelihood and potential for good fish welfare in fisheries, based on ethological findings for 10 crucial criteria.

  • Li = Likelihood that the individuals of the species experience good welfare under minimal catching conditions
  • Po = Potential of the individuals of the species to experience good welfare under high-standard catching conditions
  • Ce = Certainty of our findings in Likelihood and Potential

WelfareScore = Sum of criteria scoring "High" (max. 10)

No findings

General remarks

Clupea harengus is a schooling species that inhabits the Atlantic ocean and the Baltic Sea. It forms big schools of similar sized IND, although sometimes ADULTS and JUVENILES get mixed in the same school. The schools are especially large during migrations to spawning grounds. Due to its small size and its schooling behaviour, C. harengus is one of the most frequently fished species in the world in terms of number of IND. Many countries have regulated the landings and some have closed the spawning grounds to ensure a restoration of the decimated populations that were suffering from overexploitation. C. harengus has an important role in the ecosystem, since it incorporates zooplankton into the trophic chain and is then predated by a vast number of larger species.

Fisheries target ADULTS, SPAWNERS, and JUVENILES. The most common fishing method nowadays is purse seine. JUVENILES are also traditionally caught by different types of methods. Decreasing distance to neighbours – especially during crowding – and contact with the gear are the most frequent welfare hazards during catching with purse seine. Avoiding crowding or keeping it short – particularly at the peak density – may avoid a steep decrease in welfare. Usually, IND are pumped out of the net onto the vessel which allows them to stay in water, but the arrival on deck may be accompanied by injuries and stress. If not already crushed, the most common ways to die are by asphyxia or hypothermia. A protocol for stunning and slaughter is urgently needed.

1  Prospection

To find the fishes in their habitat, there are different techniques to localise them (e.g., echosound/sonar, chasing).

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during the process of searching for the species?

It is low for minimal catching conditions, as some sound frequencies may startle the IND. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given a) active sonar in low to mid frequencies (not >4 kHz), b) passive acoustics detecting sound made while releasing air from swimbladder (needs to be verified for the fisheries context) or c) submerged light shortly after dusk, but only for short times and in colder waters. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


Noise: no data found yet.

  • Shoaling and swimming behaviours not affected by Low-Frequency Active Sonar (1-2 kHz) nor Mid-Frequency Active Sonar (6-7 kHz) 1.
  • LAB: startled by a 10 cycle of a sine wave of 100 Hz 2, by sounds above 4 kHz 3.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: LAB: avoid sound from 100 Hz on upwards

Chasing: no data found yet.

Decreasing distance to neighbour: no data found yet.

  • WILD/LAB: schools release air from their swim bladder when they ascend and descend, and it forms clouds of bubbles that can be observed at the surface 4. This release is accompanied by sound which could be used by fishermen to detect them using passive acoustics 4.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: passive acoustics
  • LAB: submerged light was more effective at attracting IND than light above the surface, and fishing with light is more effective shortly after dusk 5. A few IND influenced by the light might lead the whole shoal to it 5. Continued exposure to light to attract IND might cause them fatigue 5. Increased temperature results in weakened attraction to light, therefore fishing in warmer waters (depending on season or fishing area) might affect the success of the attracting technique 5.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: submerged light shortly after dusk, but only for short times and in colder waters

2  Setting

Catching methods differ in the way they are set up and consequently in the time it takes for setting them.

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during the process of setting the catching method?

There are no findings for minimal and high-standard catching conditions.


Escape avoidance measures: no data found yet.

Decreasing distance to neighbour: no data found yet.

Other: no data found yet.

3  Catching

Given the principle of the catching method, the gear (with the fishes caught) may be hauled vertically or horizontally in the water for a certain amount of time and distance.

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during catching?

It is low for minimal catching conditions given contact with the gear, decreasing distance to neighbours and if caught during the day, at certain temperature and salinity conditions, and hauled too fast. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given catching at night, in air temperatures ≥0 °C and ≤18 °C, and vertically hauling the net not faster than 11 m/min at 100 m depth, at 6 m/min at 50 m or at 2 m/min at 10 m. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


Contact with the gear (hooking, contact with the net/trap):
  • Given the principle of purse seine to haul the net close to the ship and crowd the IND before suctioning them into the storage space of the ship 6789, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
  • JUVENILES getting stuck in the net is probable 78.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: prefer mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES given body diameter in season and region
  • De-scaling is a cause of mortality within 1-4 days 11.
  • IND caught at night with artificial light might reduce the physical contact with the net and therefore lethal scale loss because they might behave more carefully than those caught during daylight 12
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: prefer catching at night
  • IND can adjust to pressures greater than surface pressure when anaesthetised in nature thanks to the unusual swimbladder anatomy 13. IND can also survive pressure increases of 115% from their adjusted pressure at a rate of 6 cm Hg/s 13. IND "rising at a rate of 11 m/min at 100 m depth, at 6 m/min at 50 m or at 2 m/min at 10 m would have no limit placed on the extent of their upward movement by too great an increase in buoyancy or through rupture of the swimbladder” 13.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: not faster than 11 m/min at 100 m depth, 6 m/min at 50 m or 2 m/min at 10 m

Duration: no data found yet.

Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
  • Given the principle of purse seine to haul the net close to the ship and crowd the IND before suctioning them into the storage space of the ship 6789, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
  • Below-critical densities in median (190 t) and large (620-1,100 t) catches until 80% of seine is hauled 14. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 14 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1514; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 14. Further research needed for types of hazard consequences.
    • Related to consequences:    
    • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine
Abrupt temperature change:
  • IND have been observed behaving normally at temperature range -0.3-18 °C 16. Upper lethal temperature (i.e., 50% of tested IND died when they were exposed to that temperature for 48h): 19.5 °C or 21.2 °C depending on size (larger IND die faster at higher temperature than smaller ones) 16. In a preliminary study, 87% survived temperatures of -1 °C 16.
    Given this information, encountering IND at the ocean surface, the change in temperature between water and boat surface will probably not cause temperature shock in most cases, except temperature on board <-1 °C or >21 °C 10. Given that in some seasons, IND live below the thermocline 171819, it is possible that they cannot adapt to the rapid change in temperature that would occur during the lifting of the net from below the thermocline to the surface and therefore suffer from temperature shock 10. Further research needed on the rate that C. harengus can adapt to temperature changes without decreasing welfare.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: prefer air temperatures ≥0 °C and ≤18 °C
Abrupt salinity change:
  • Given that IND may be found just below or in the halocline, in areas with stratified water column 17, osmoregulatory distress is possible when they are brought to the surface 10. Further research needed on the rate C. harengus adapts to osmotic changes without decreasing welfare and on reports of osmoregulatory distress after purse seining.

Other: no data found yet.

4  Emersion

The process of bringing the fishes out of the water also depends on the catching method and may, thus, differ in duration and impact (e.g., netting, brailing, pumping, lifting).

What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during emersion?

It is low for minimal catching conditions given predation pressure during hauling, high crowding density close to the ship, and high speed at suctioning in the storage space. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given IND of ≥30 cm, keeping crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min at densities <51 kg/m3, and taking especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving the purse seine. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


Crowding (deliberate step before getting the fishes out of the water):
  • Below-critical densities in median (190 t) and large (620-1,100 t) catches until 80% of seine is hauled 14. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 14 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1514; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 14. Further research needed for types of hazard consequences.
    • Related to consequences:    
    • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine
  • Possible risk of abrasion against the netting for IND on the outer edge of the shoal during crowding 20.
  • Scale loss and skin injuries (bruises and lacerations) after 10 min of crowding in purse seine 20. Crowded groups had significantly higher scale loss than control groups 21. <10% scale loss after 10 min crowding at 79.8, 203.5, and 367.1 kg/m3 of crowding, without significant differences among groups 21. Intact scale pockets even when the scales were lost, suggesting that the osmoregulatory capabilities of the skin may not have been severely compromised by the scale loss 21.
  • De-scaling is a cause of mortality within 1-4 days 11.
  • Given possible oxygen shortage in IND in the middle of a shoal during crowding 222324232021, hazard consequences are probable 10.
    LAB: hypoxic environments increased swimming activity, with a peak in velocity during severe hypoxia (at 15-34% oxygen saturation), followed by decrease in swimming speed until school disruption (at 12-25% oxygen saturation) 25.
    LAB: school dimensions (length, width, depth, area, volume) increased during severe hypoxia (20% oxygen saturation), but school dynamics were not affected: IND in the front tried to remain in the front, probably due to the cost of changing positions while in respiratory distress 18.
    LAB: decrease in water oxygen pressure increased plasma cortisol and plasma osmolality above the normoxic level at pressures ≤8.5 kPa 26. At 4.2 and 6.4 kPa, extremely high plasma cortisol with levels comparable to stressful exercise 26. At ≤12.7 kPa, reduced plasma glucose by hypoxia 26.
  • Reduced plasma glucose 21 and increased cortisol, lactate, chloride, sodium, and potassium ions 20 after 10 min of crowding, indicating an incapacity to restore homestasis and a sign of approaching physical exhaustion, which can be a cause of death 21. Increased stress (anaerobic muscle activity followed by increase in blood lactate) and muscle pH with increased crowding duration (0-30 min) 27. Lactate returns to control levels 2 days after crowding 21. Reduced physical condition lasts for at least 4 days 20. Cortisol and blood ion levels increase for at least 4-5 days after crowding while IND are caged in net pens 21.
  • Unable to regain osmoregulatory ability and homeostasis in at least 4 days after 10 min of crowding 20.
  • Tail beat frequency (proxy for fish activity) increased with crowding density in a purse seine study under captive conditions: with lowest mean tail beat frequencies in the control groups (1.5-3.3 kg/m3 or 6.2-13.6 IND/m3) and lowest crowded group (51 kg/m3) and the highest mean frequency at the highest crowding density of 351 kg/m3 (1,565 IND/m3) 23. Mortality increased as tail beat frequency increased with largest increase at 200-247 kg/m3 during crowding with tail beat increasing by 0.1 tail beats/second, mortality increasing by 17% 23. Sample was taken on wild-caught IND that were kept in net for behaviour obsersations and least stressed IND, since the most stressed IND might have died in advance and therefore were not part of the study 23.
    • Circumstances: water temperature 6.1-6.2 °C and either fog, light rain, and little wind or sunshine with no wind that progressed into gale
    • Related to consequences:   
    • How to improve: avoid densities >51 kg/m3
  • Increasing mortality with increasing crowding density during 10 min of crowding: 1.6-1.8% mortality at 58-142 kg/m3, 27.9% mortality at 221 kg/m3, 50.7-52.0% mortality at 403-478 kg/m320. Crowding densities <100 kg/m3 did not result in any additional mortality compared to control groups 21. Different results might be found in different weather conditions 2021.
    • Circumstances: good weather conditions
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: keep crowding density as low as possible, preferably <100 kg/m3
  • Mortality during crowding is size and body condition related 21: for IND sized 20-31 cm, smaller IND2021 and IND with lower condition were more susceptible 21.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: prefer larger IND of ≥30 cm and maintain condition as best as possible
Predation pressure:
  • Given the principle of purse seine to catch IND at the surface and slowly haul the seine close to the ship 6789 and thus no way of fleeing predators, there is the risk of stress by predators being present in or close to the net 10.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: for ways to avoid predators in the net → 6.7. Other.
Attacks by con-specifics:
  • Given that JUVENILES aggregate with ADULTS in schools 28, aggression between conspecifics is unlikely 10.
Light exposure:
  • Given that IND are observed at the surface 16, eyes adapting to the change in light during the catching process is probable 10. Further research needed on eye damage related to exposure to environmental light or UV light.

Lack of oxygen: no data found yet.

Contact with the gear:
  • JUVENILES getting stuck in the net is probable 78.
    • Related to consequence:  
    • How to improve: prefer mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES given body diameter in season and region
  • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 789 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 7). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
  • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.
Experience its own weight:
  • Given no evolutionary adaptation to experiencing own weight in air 29, hazard consequences following emersion are probable 10. Further research needed on type of hazard consequences.
    • Related to consequence:  
Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
  • For Salmo salar and Scomber scombrus, pumps with capacity 800-1,000 tons/h 27 pump IND on board at >200 kg/m3302731273227. Further research needed to determine whether this applies to C. harengus as well and on the types of hazard consequences.
    • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.
    • Given emersion to air, desiccation is probable 10.

    5  Release from gear

    There are different ways to remove the fishes from the gear (e.g., unhooking, disentangling, dropping).

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during release from the gear?

    It is low for minimal catching conditions given lack of care for good welfare and if the mesh size overlaps with the body diameter of JUVENILES. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES given body diameter in season and region and as taking more care to increase welfare is easily imaginable, but needs to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


    Lack of oxygen: no data found yet.

    Dropping (from net to deck/storage):
    • Some IND are catapulted away from the chute and lie on deck, some IND are kicked or stood on by fishing folks 678. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
    Handling (unhooking/touching/disentangling):
    • Some IND are catapulted away from the chute and lie on deck, some IND are kicked or stood on by fishing folks 678. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
    • JUVENILES getting stuck in the net is probable 78.
      • Related to consequence:  
      • How to improve: prefer mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES given body diameter in season and region
    • De-scaling is a cause of mortality within 1-4 days 11.

    6  Bycatch avoidance

    Not all specimens of the target species are equally sought after, e.g., when they are undersized, of wrong sex, wrong age, damaged or over quota. Measures to prevent this bycatch still in the water may include slipping in purse seine, window in net, opening in trap, etc.

    What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare with the help of bycatch-avoiding measures?

    It is low for minimal catching conditions if the mesh size overlaps with the body diameter of JUVENILES. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES (given body diameter in season) and given fishing in groups of fishing folks, measuring tail-beat frequency in an early phase of crowding to get the baseline, and slipping preferably in this early phase. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.


    Lack of oxygen:
    • Given possible oxygen shortage in IND in the middle of a shoal during crowding 222324232021, hazard consequences are probable 10.
      LAB: hypoxic environments increased swimming activity, with a peak in velocity during severe hypoxia (at 15-34% oxygen saturation), followed by decrease in swimming speed until school disruption (at 12-25% oxygen saturation) 25.
      LAB: school dimensions (length, width, depth, area, volume) increased during severe hypoxia (20% oxygen saturation), but school dynamics were not affected: IND in the front tried to remain in the front, probably due to the cost of changing positions while in respiratory distress 18.
      LAB: decrease in water oxygen pressure increased plasma cortisol and plasma osmolality above the normoxic level at pressures ≤8.5 kPa 26. At 4.2 and 6.4 kPa, extremely high plasma cortisol with levels comparable to stressful exercise 26. At ≤12.7 kPa, reduced plasma glucose by hypoxia 26.
    Contact with the gear:
    • JUVENILES getting stuck in the net is probable 78.
      • Related to consequence:  
      • How to improve: prefer mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES given body diameter in season and region
    • Escaping behaviour of IND in slipping events is influenced by the vessel releasing the IND, the amount of IND being slipped, how long the discharge opening had been open, and the particular slipping event 33. No escapes in 73% of observed slippling events; if IND escaped, then a) in orderly way in large groups (59%) – good for welfare due to low probability of injuries by touching each other or the gear – or b) in unorderly way in large groups (24%) – bad for welfare due to a higher chance of getting damage by collisions with each other or the gear; IND escaping individually or in small groups was rare (15%) 33.
    Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
    • Escaping behaviour of IND in slipping events is influenced by the vessel releasing the IND, the amount of IND being slipped, how long the discharge opening had been open, and the particular slipping event 33. No escapes in 73% of observed slippling events; if IND escaped, then a) in orderly way in large groups (59%) – good for welfare due to low probability of injuries by touching each other or the gear – or b) in unorderly way in large groups (24%) – bad for welfare due to a higher chance of getting damage by collisions with each other or the gear; IND escaping individually or in small groups was rare (15%) 33.
    • Swimming activity is probably reliable behavioural indicator of stress in FISHES following crowding, particularly tail beat frequency 23. Measuring tail beat frequency before crowding would provide the baseline against which to compare tail beat frequency during crowding: Increasing beyond a threshold (20% in this study) likely increases mortality 23. In Norway, this catch cannot be discarded because laws prohibit to release dead or dying IND3423. Tail beat frequency below threshold indicates low mortality and allows for slipping 23. Further research needed on relationship between tail beat frequency and mortality during crowding to set up threshold 23.
      • Related to consequence:  
      • How to improve: measure tail-beat frequency before crowding

    Handling (unhooking/touching/disentangling): no data found yet.

    • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will suffer from vertical displacement since they will have to return to their natural living depth 29. Given that purse seiners stay put during setting, catching, and emersion 78, horizontal displacement (release at a different location or habitat) is unlikely 10.
      Predation pressure:
      • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.
      • Given that JUVENILES aggregate with ADULTS in schools 28 and the principle of purse seine is to catch whole schools 78, there is a risk of bycatch (accidental catch of undersized, wrong sex, wrong age, damaged, over quota IND) of the target species 10. In the US, bycatch is reported to be low, consisting mostly of undersized IND, SPAWNERS, or IND caught after the vessel has filled to capacity 35.  After setting the net and in the initial stages of hauling, skippers or captains can get an impression of the catch by looking at a sample of IND that come to the surface 36 or that they catch with pole and line 89. At that point, they can abort the process if the catch does not include the target species and before the school is crowded 36.
        • Related to consequence:  
        • How to improve: sampling
      • Although usually similar-sized IND in schools 37, sometimes mix of small and larger size, resulting in slipping small IND21. Slipping also when school in purse seine very dense 21. Slipping itself is stressful, e.g., by combining increased swimming activity with physical damage, which may result in delayed mortality 23. Swimming to more favourable environment may make recovery possible 23. Slipping operations recommended as best practice to reduce stress and promote survival in released catches 3839.
      • Slipping in late phase of hauling may produce high rates of mortality that gets unaccounted for 21. Release in earlier phase may be acceptable, as C. harengus tolerates crowding well at lower densities 21.
        • Related to consequence:  
        • How to improve: slipping in early phase
      • In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.  

      7  Sorting

      Given the species specificity of the method, sorting might be necessary once the catch arrives on deck.

      What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during sorting?

      It is low for minimal catching conditions even if sorting does not exist, but given lack of care for good welfare after suctioning on board. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions, as taking more care to increase welfare is easily imaginable, but needs to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


      Lack of oxygen: no data found yet.

      • Some IND are catapulted away from the chute and lie on deck, some IND are kicked or stood on by fishing folks 678. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      Dropping (from deck to storage):
      • Some IND are catapulted away from the chute and lie on deck, some IND are kicked or stood on by fishing folks 678. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 789 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 7). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.

      8  Discarding

      If bycatch of the target species could not be prevented, the individuals could still be returned from the gear/deck to the water.

      What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during discarding?

      It is low for minimal catching conditions, as discards happen (unclear whether IND are dead when discarded). It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given bans to discard dead or dying IND and given fishing in groups of fishing folks. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


      Lack of oxygen: no data found yet.

      • Some IND are catapulted away from the chute and lie on deck, some IND are kicked or stood on by fishing folks 678. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
      • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will suffer from vertical displacement since they will have to return to their natural living depth 29. Given that purse seiners stay put during setting, catching, and emersion 78, horizontal displacement (release at a different location or habitat) is unlikely 10.
        Predation pressure:
        • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.
        • 121 t discarded at sea in 84 trips in 1995-2006 40.
          In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.
        •  In Norway, laws prohibit to release dead or dying IND3423.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: ban discards of dead IND

        9  Storing

        Given how long it takes the vessel to return to the harbour, the caught fishes have to be stored for a certain amount of time. This storing happens most frequently with the fishes still being alive, but differing in the type of storage containers and medium (ice, brine, air, etc.).

        What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during storing?

        It is low for minimal catching conditions given live storage in air or live storage in water at detrimental conditions. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given a) live-storing in ≥4,000 m3 net pens in calm cold waters outside hibernating areas in autumn and towing them inshore slowly (≤0.5-0.6 m/s) or b) storing in onboard cooling tanks in ice or c) immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious. Our conclusion is based on a medium amount of evidence.


        Lack of oxygen: no data found yet.

        Decreasing distance to neighbour (continuum up to crushing):
        • If stored in onboard cooling tanks, loose scales due to friction between IND and therefore less shiny skin than IND stored in ice 4142.
        • In storage tanks with ice or ice water, rough handling, such as bad weather disturbances in the ship, cause collisions and thereby physical damages, resulting in bloodstains and dull skin 42.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: prefer calm waters
        • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.
        Contact with the storing container:
        • In storage tanks with ice or ice water, rough handling, such as bad weather disturbances in the ship, cause collisions and thereby physical damages, resulting in bloodstains and dull skin 42.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: prefer calm waters
        • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.
        • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 100 kg catch hold in 30 m3 net pen and without any net pull-up: 1% mortality in 24 h, 98% mortality in 120 h (5 days), dead IND had scale loss in 40% of skin 12. For 2,300 kg catch in 1,000 m3 net pen and without any net pull-up: 12% mortality after 9 days, dead IND had scale loss in 25% of skin 12. Lower mortality the larger the net pen: from 70-98% mortality after 120 h in 30 m3 net pens to 10-80% mortality in 1,000 m3 net pens to 0-20% mortality in 4,000 or 7,000 m3 net pens; no correlation with density and only marginal influence of mesh quality 12. Herring that die during the storage period in net pens are usually discarded 12.
          • Circumstances: small Norwegian purse seine vessels, in autumn-winter
          • Related to consequences:   
          • How to improve: prefer net pens ≥4,000 m3 for storage
        • Higher temperature increases general activity in C. harengus, which in turn tends to cause dispersal 5. Higher mortality after 120 h storing in net pens in autumn than winter could indicate lower activity in lower temperatures and therefore less contact with the net 12.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: prefer colder waters for fisheries, otherwise higher activity of IND may lead to more damage
        • Higher mortality after 120 h storing in net pens in autumn at hibernating areas than in winter at spawning grounds could indicate higher ability to tolerate physical contact with the net during spawning 12.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: avoid catching at hibernating areas in autumn
        Exposure to the storing medium (air, ice, brine etc.):
        • Given pumping on board into tanks with refrigerated sea water (-1 °C) 4327 and transporting to shore for 12 h 44284528 or 2-3 days 43, temperature shock is probable 10.
          • Circumstances: seawater temperature: 8 ºC
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
        • Disadvantages of tank storage: faster developing off-odours, more discoloured gills, duller skin than ice storage. Disadvantage of ice storage: more blood on gill covers 42.
          • How to improve: store in ice
        • The lower the towing speed with which the 1,000 m3 storage net pens were towed inshore the lower the mortality after 120 h: 0-2% mortality at 0.5-0.6 m/s versus 10-20% mortality at 0.8-1.0 m/s 12.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: towing storage pens inshore slowly (≤0.5-0.6 m/s)

        10  Slaughter

        Ideally, slaughter a) immediately follows stunning (i.e., while the individual is unconscious), b) happens according to a clear and reproducible set of instructions verified under catching conditions, and c) avoids pain, suffering, and distress.

        What is the probability of avoiding a decrease in welfare during stunning/slaughter?

        It is low for minimal catching conditions given asphyxia and hypothermia. It is medium for high-standard catching conditions given immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious through percussion of the head followed by destruction of the brain, which needs to be verified for the catching context. Our conclusion is based on a low amount of evidence.


        • Given direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 6789, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia 10. Given storing on ice, asphyxia 4327. Given storing in ice 42 or ice water 424327, probably hypothermia 10.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
        • LAB: successfully stunned and slaughtered by percussive blow to the head followed by brain destruction 46.
          • How to improve: LAB: percussion of head+destruction of brain
        • LAB: electrical stunning induced spine breaks in ≤60% of IND as well as hematomas in the fillets 47. Given this outcome and given that immedate slaughter after stunning has not been studied yet, electrical stunning cannot be recommended 10
        • Given direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 6789, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia 10. Given storing on ice, asphyxia 4327. Given storing in ice 42 or ice water 424327, probably hypothermia 10.
          • Related to consequence:  
          • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious
        • A proper slaughter and pre-processing storage method could reduce the natural pro-oxidant process that deteriorates C. harengus' meat 43.
          • LAB: successfully stunned and slaughtered by percussive blow to the head followed by brain destruction 46.
            • How to improve: LAB: percussion of head+destruction of brain

          Side note: Uncategorised catching step

          Sometimes the literature does not specify the welfare hazards and the catching step that lead to hazard consequences.

          What are consequences that decrease welfare during uncategorised steps of the catching process?

          No data found yet.

          Side note: General improvements of the method

          The focus of this WelfareCheck | catch is the welfare of the target species. There could be improvements to the catching method that are not covered by the criteria and could include prevention of overexploitation, prevention of bycatch of non-target species, e.g., pingers to deter cetaceans, and avoiding damage to the environment, though.

          What are these improvements?

          To decrease suffering, the best is to avoid catching IND in the first place which could mean for the target species to reduce quota, control catching areas, and close spawning grounds or impose catch restriction during the spawning season. For non-target species, it could mean mitigation measures or catch caps.
          • target species: closure of spawning grounds on Trinity Ledge and in Scots Bay 28.
            • How to improve: closure of spawning grounds
          • target species: in Canada, in 2017, quota reduction in Southwest Nova Scotia management area as part of a population recovery plan, although the outcome was not the desired one 48. Decline of key spawning components and stability of the allowable catch (at low levels from 2011-2016) in 2018 48.
            • How to improve: quota reduction
          • target species: in the US, control of catching areas and limitation of landings 49.
            • How to improve: control of catching area
          • target species: in Norway, sizes <25 cm are prohibited in the spawning season 50.
            • How to improve: catch restriction during spawning season
          • non-target species: in Canada, mitigation measures are in place to reduce harm, mortality or harrassment of the following species at risk with which the C. harengus fisheries interact 51
            • Northern wolffish (Anarhichas denticulatus) – threatened
            • Spotted wolffish (Anarhichas minor) – threatened
            • Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) – special concern
            • Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) – endangered
            • Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) – endangered
            • White shark (Carcharodon carcharias) – endangered
            • North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) – endangered
            • Northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus) – endangered
            • Sowerby’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens) – special concern. 
            • How to improve: mitigation measures
          • non-target species: river herring (including Alosa pseudoharengus and Alosa aestivalis) and shad (including Alosa sapidissima and Alosa mediocris) are harvested as non-target species, as they may co-occur seasonally with C. harengus52. River herring are either discarded at sea (bycatch) or, because they closely resemble C. harengus, they are retained and sold as part of the herring catch (incidental catch) 52. Catch caps are enacted in the US to protect these species 52.
            • How to improve: catch caps

          Side note: Commercial relevance

          How much is this species targeted annually?

          1,987,021 t/year 2000-2019 amounting to estimated 3,300,000,000-20,000,000,000 IND/year 2000-2019 53.


          ADULTS = mature individuals
          FISHES = using "fishes" instead of "fish" for more than one individual - whether of the same species or not - is inspired by Jonathan Balcombe who proposed this usage in his book "What a fish knows". By referring to a group as "fishes", we acknowledge the individuals with their personalities and needs instead of an anonymous mass of "fish".
          IND = individuals
          JUVENILES = fully developed but immature individuals
          LAB = setting in laboratory environment
          SPAWNERS = adults during the spawning season; in farms: adults that are kept as broodstock
          WILD = setting in the wild


          1 Sivle, Lise Doksæter, Petter Helgevold Kvadsheim, Michael A. Ainslie, Andrew Solow, Nils Olav Handegard, Nina Nordlund, and Frans-Peter A. Lam. 2012. Impact of naval sonar signals on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) during summer feeding. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1078–1085. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fss080.
          2 Domenici, Paolo, and Robert S. Batty. 1994. Escape manoeuvres of schooling Clupea harengus. Journal of Fish Biology 45: 97–110. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.1994.tb01086.x.
          3 Kastelein, Ronald A., Sander van der Heul, Willem C. Verboom, Nancy Jennings, Jan van der Veen, and Dick de Haan. 2008. Startle response of captive North Sea fish species to underwater tones between 0.1 and 64kHz. Marine Environmental Research 65: 369–377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2008.01.001.
          4 Wahlberg, M. 2003. Sounds produced by herring (Clupea harengus) bubble release. Aquatic Living Resources 16: 271–275. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0990-7440(03)00017-2.
          5 Stickney, Alden P. 1969. Factors influencing the attraction of Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, to artificial lights. FISHERY BULLETIN-NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION.
          6 bobby, rickey. 2010. Newfoundland Fishing Boat, Herring Seining (YouTube).
          7 Wyman, Brandon. 2013. F/V Ruth & Pat Herring Seining 2013 Season (YouTube).
          8 Kobuk, Max. 2022. 2021 Bait Herring Season: Commercial Fishing Alaska (YouTube).
          9 Kobuk, Max. 2022. 2022 Kodiak Island Roe Herring Season: Commercial Fishing Alaska (YouTube).
          10 Cabrera-Álvarez, María. 2023. Conclusion.
          11 Olsen, Rolf Erik, Frode Oppedal, Maria Tenningen, and Aud Vold. 2012. Physiological response and mortality caused by scale loss in Atlantic herring. Fisheries Research 129–130: 21–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2012.06.007.
          12 Misund, Ole Arve, and Arvid K. Beltestad. 1995. Survival of herring after simulated net bursts and conventional storage in net pens. Fisheries Research 22: 293–297. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(94)00326-R.
          13 Brawn, Vivien M. 1962. Physical Properties and Hydrostatic Function of the Swimbladder of Herring (Clupea harengus L.). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 19: 635–656. https://doi.org/10.1139/f62-043.
          14 Tenningen, Maria, Armin Pobitzer, Nils Olav Handegard, and Karen de Jong. 2019. Estimating purse seine volume during capture: implications for fish densities and survival of released unwanted catches. Edited by Finbarr O’Neill. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76: 2481–2488. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz119.
          15 Breen, Mike. 2019. Personal communication.
          16 Brawn, Vivien M. 1960. Temperature Tolerance of Unacclimated Herring (Clupea harengus L.). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 17: 721–723. https://doi.org/10.1139/f60-057.
          17 Rasmus Nielsen, J, Bo Lundgren, Torben F Jensen, and Karl-Johan Stæhr. 2001. Distribution, density and abundance of the western Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) in the Sound (ICES Subdivision 23) in relation to hydrographical features. Fisheries Research 50: 235–258. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-7836(00)00220-4.
          18 Domenici, Paolo, R. Silvana Ferrari, John F. Steffensen, and Robert S. Batty. 2002. The effect of progressive hypoxia on school structure and dynamics in Atlantic herring Clupea harengus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 269: 2103–2111. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2002.2107.
          19 Peltonen, Heikki, Mika Vinni, Antti Lappalainen, and Jukka Pönni. 2004. Spatial feeding patterns of herring (Clupea harengus L.), sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.), and the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 61: 966–971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icesjms.2004.06.008.
          20 Tenningen, Maria, Aud Vold, and Rolf Erik Olsen. 2012. The response of herring to high crowding densities in purse-seines: survival and stress reaction. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1523–1531. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fss114.
          21 Tenningen, Maria, Aud Vold, Bjørnar Isaksen, Ragnhild Svalheim, Rolf Olsen, and Mike Breen. 2012. Magnitude and causes of mortality of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) induced by crowding in purse seines. ICES CM C:34.
          22 Dommasnes, Are, Francisco Rey, and Ingolf Røttingen. 1994. Reduced oxygen concentrations in herring wintering areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science 51: 63–69. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmsc.1994.1006.
          23 Morgan, Rachael Louise. 2014. Using behaviour of herring (Clupea harengus L.) to assess post-crowding stress in purse-seine fisheries.
          24 Breen, Mike. 2014. Personal communication.
          25 Domenici, P., J. F. Steffensen, and R. S. Batty. 2000. The effect of progressive hypoxia on swimming activity and schooling in Atlantic herring. Journal of Fish Biology 57: 1526–1538. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.2000.tb02229.x.
          26 Herbert, Neill A., and John F. Steffensen. 2006. Hypoxia increases the behavioural activity of schooling herring: a response to physiological stress or respiratory distress? Marine Biology 149: 1217–1225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-006-0284-6.
          27 Roth, Bjørn, and Torstein Skåra. 2021. Pre mortem capturing stress of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) in purse seine and subsequent effect on welfare and flesh quality. Fisheries Research 244: 106124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106124.
          28 Stephenson, R. L., D. E. Lane, D. G. Aldous, and R. Nowak. 1993. Management of the 4WX Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) Fishery: An Evaluation of Recent Events. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 2742–2757. https://doi.org/10.1139/f93-299.
          29 Breen, Mike, Neil Anders, Odd-Børre Humborstad, Jonatan Nilsson, Maria Tenningen, and Aud Vold. 2020. Catch Welfare in Commercial Fisheries. In The Welfare of Fish, ed. Tore S. Kristiansen, Anders Fernö, Michail A. Pavlidis, and Hans van de Vis, 401–437. Animal Welfare. Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41675-1_17.
          30 Lockwood, S. J., M. G. Pawson, and D. R. Eaton. 1983. The effects of crowding on mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) — Physical condition and mortality. Fisheries Research 2: 129–147. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(83)90114-5.
          31 Lerfall, Jørgen, Bjørn Roth, Even Flønes Skare, Aksel Henriksen, Tore Betten, Magdalena Anna Dziatkowiak-Stefaniak, and Bjørn Tore Rotabakk. 2015. Pre-mortem stress and the subsequent effect on flesh quality of pre-rigor filleted Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) during ice storage. Food Chemistry 175: 157–165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.11.111.
          32 Erikson, Ulf, Lars Gansel, Kevin Frank, Eirik Svendsen, and Hanne Digre. 2016. Crowding of Atlantic salmon in net-pen before slaughter. Aquaculture 465: 395–400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2016.09.018.
          33 Anders, Neil, Mike Breen, Jostein Saltskår, Bjørn Totland, Jan Tore Øvredal, and Aud Vold. 2019. Behavioural and welfare implications of a new slipping methodology for purse seine fisheries in Norwegian waters. PLOS ONE 14: e0213031. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213031.
          34 Anon. 2004. Forskrift om drift av akvakulturanlegg (akvakulturdriftsforskriften). Fastsatt av Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet 22. desember 2004 med hjemmel i lov 14. juni 1985 nr. 68 om oppdrett av fisk, skalldyr, lov 19. desember 2003 nr. 124 om matproduksjon og mattrygghet og lov 20. desember 1974 nr. 73 om dyrevern.
          35 FishChoice. 2020. Atlantic Herring. FishChoice.
          36 Marçalo, Ana. 2023. Personal communication.
          37 Misund, Ole Arve. 1993. Dynamics of moving masses: variability in packing density, shape, and size among herring, sprat, and saithe schools. ICES Journal of Marine Science 50: 145–160. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmsc.1993.1016.
          38 Vold, Aud, Neil Anders, Mike Breen, Jostein Saltskår, Bjørn Totland, and Jan Tore Øvredal. 2017. Beste praksis for slipping fra not. Utvikling av standard slippemetode for makrell og sild i fiske med not. Working paper. Havforskningsinstituttet.
          39 Marçalo, Ana, Mike Breen, Maria Tenningen, Iñigo Onandia, Luis Arregi, and Jorge M. S. Gonçalves. 2019. Mitigating Slipping-Related Mortality from Purse Seine Fisheries for Small Pelagic Fish: Case Studies from European Atlantic Waters. In The European Landing Obligation: Reducing Discards in Complex, Multi-Species and Multi-Jurisdictional Fisheries, ed. Sven Sebastian Uhlmann, Clara Ulrich, and Steven J. Kennelly, 297–318. Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03308-8_15.
          40 Driscoll, John, and Peter Tyedmers. 2010. Fuel use and greenhouse gas emission implications of fisheries management: the case of the new england atlantic herring fishery. Marine Policy 34: 353–359. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2009.08.005.
          41 Jónsdóttir, S. 1992. Quality standards for herring. Quality Standards for Fish: Final Report Phase II.
          42 Nielsen, Durita, and Grethe Hyldig. 2004. Influence of handling procedures and biological factors on the QIM evaluation of whole herring (Clupea harengus L.). Food Research International 37: 975–983. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2004.06.006.
          43 Tolstorebrov, I., T. M. Eikevik, and E. Indergård. 2014. The influence of long-term storage, temperature and type of packaging materials on the lipid oxidation and flesh color of frozen Atlantic herring fillets (Clupea harengus). International Journal of Refrigeration 40: 122–130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2013.11.014.
          44 Power, M. J., and R. L. Stephenson. 1987. An analysis of logs from the 1986 4X summer purse seine fishery. 77. Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.
          45 Power, M.J., and R. L. Stephenson. 1991. Logbook analysis for the 19904WX herring purse seine fishery. 54. Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory Committee.
          46 Kestin, S. C., D. H. Robb, and J. W. van de Vis. 2002. Protocol for assessing brain function in fish and the effectiveness of methods used to stun and kill them. Veterinary Record 150: 302–307. https://doi.org/10.1136/vr.150.10.302.
          47 Nordgreen, Andreas  Hoel, Erik Slinde, Dag Møller, and Bjorn Roth. 2008. Effect of Various Electric Field Strengths and Current Durations on Stunning and Spinal Injuries of Atlantic Herring. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 20: 110–115. https://doi.org/10.1577/H07-010.1.
          48 SeaChoice. 2023. Atlantic Herring. SeaChoice.
          49 NOAA Fisheries. 2023. Atlantic Herring Management Area 1B Possession Limit Adjustment | NOAA Fisheries. NOAA. January 11.
          50 FromNorway.com. 2023. Herring. FromNorway.
          51 Fisheries and Oceans Canada Government of Canada. 2021. Atlantic herring in the Maritimes Region. January 11.
          52 NOAA Fisheries. 2022. Atlantic Herring Catch Cap | NOAA Fisheries. NOAA. March 11.
          53 Mood, Alison, and Phil Brooke. 2024. Estimating global numbers of fishes caught from the wild annually from 2000 to 2019. Animal Welfare 33: e6. https://doi.org/10.1017/awf.2024.7.


          Author: María J. Cabrera-Álvarez
          Version: A | 0.2 (2024-12-31) (pre-release version)

          Please note: This view of the WelfareCheck was generated automatically from the default view.

          1  Physical damage

          As a consequence of welfare hazards, fishes may suffer from physical damage (e.g., barotrauma, abrasions/lacerations/wounds, ecchymosis, desiccation).

          Where in the catching process does physical damage occur and how to avoid it?

          Physical damage occurs most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours and contact with the gear or storing containers. To avoid it during catching/hauling, prefer mesh size that avoids catching JUVENILES, decrease bycatch by slipping and fishing in groups of fishing folks, prefer catching at night, hauling the purse seine slowly, taking especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving the purse seine. To avoid it during storing, prefer live-storing in ≥4,000 m3 net pens in calm waters or in onboard cooling tanks in ice.

          1.1 Barotrauma

          Extruded eyes/gutsno data found yet.

          Ruptured swim bladder
          • IND can adjust to pressures greater than surface pressure when anaesthetised in nature thanks to the unusual swimbladder anatomy 13. IND can also survive pressure increases of 115% from their adjusted pressure at a rate of 6 cm Hg/s 13. IND "rising at a rate of 11 m/min at 100 m depth, at 6 m/min at 50 m or at 2 m/min at 10 m would have no limit placed on the extent of their upward movement by too great an increase in buoyancy or through rupture of the swimbladder” 13.
            • Catching step:  
            • How to improve: not faster than 11 m/min at 100 m depth, 6 m/min at 50 m or 2 m/min at 10 m

          Bleedingno data found yet.


            1.2 Damages/abrasions/lacerations/wounds

            Eye damage
            • Given that IND are observed at the surface 16, eyes adapting to the change in light during the catching process is probable 10. Further research needed on eye damage related to exposure to environmental light or UV light.
            Skin damage
            • Possible risk of abrasion against the netting for IND on the outer edge of the shoal during crowding 20.
            Scale loss
            • De-scaling is a cause of mortality within 1-4 days 11.
            • IND caught at night with artificial light might reduce the physical contact with the net and therefore lethal scale loss because they might behave more carefully than those caught during daylight 12
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: prefer catching at night
            • Scale loss and skin injuries (bruises and lacerations) after 10 min of crowding in purse seine 20. Crowded groups had significantly higher scale loss than control groups 21. <10% scale loss after 10 min crowding at 79.8, 203.5, and 367.1 kg/m3 of crowding, without significant differences among groups 21. Intact scale pockets even when the scales were lost, suggesting that the osmoregulatory capabilities of the skin may not have been severely compromised by the scale loss 21.
            • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.
            • If stored in onboard cooling tanks, loose scales due to friction between IND and therefore less shiny skin than IND stored in ice 4142.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: store in ice
            • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 100 kg catch hold in 30 m3 net pen and without any net pull-up: 1% mortality in 24 h, 98% mortality in 120 h (5 days), dead IND had scale loss in 40% of skin 12. For 2,300 kg catch in 1,000 m3 net pen and without any net pull-up: 12% mortality after 9 days, dead IND had scale loss in 25% of skin 12. Lower mortality the larger the net pen: from 70-98% mortality after 120 h in 30 m3 net pens to 10-80% mortality in 1,000 m3 net pens to 0-20% mortality in 4,000 or 7,000 m3 net pens; no correlation with density and only marginal influence of mesh quality 12. Herring that die during the storage period in net pens are usually discarded 12.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: prefer net pens ≥4,000 m3 for storage
            Broken spine
            • LAB: electrical stunning induced spine breaks in ≤60% of IND as well as hematomas in the fillets 47. Given this outcome and given that immedate slaughter after stunning has not been studied yet, electrical stunning cannot be recommended 10
            • Given the principle of purse seine to haul the net close to the ship and crowd the IND before suctioning them into the storage space of the ship 6789, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
            • JUVENILES getting stuck in the net is probable 78.
            • Below-critical densities in median (190 t) and large (620-1,100 t) catches until 80% of seine is hauled 14. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 14 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1514; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 14. Further research needed for types of hazard consequences.
              • Catching steps:   
              • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine
            • Given that JUVENILES aggregate with ADULTS in schools 28, aggression between conspecifics is unlikely 10.
            • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 789 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 7). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
            • Escaping behaviour of IND in slipping events is influenced by the vessel releasing the IND, the amount of IND being slipped, how long the discharge opening had been open, and the particular slipping event 33. No escapes in 73% of observed slippling events; if IND escaped, then a) in orderly way in large groups (59%) – good for welfare due to low probability of injuries by touching each other or the gear – or b) in unorderly way in large groups (24%) – bad for welfare due to a higher chance of getting damage by collisions with each other or the gear; IND escaping individually or in small groups was rare (15%) 33.
            • Although usually similar-sized IND in schools 37, sometimes mix of small and larger size, resulting in slipping small IND21. Slipping also when school in purse seine very dense 21. Slipping itself is stressful, e.g., by combining increased swimming activity with physical damage, which may result in delayed mortality 23. Swimming to more favourable environment may make recovery possible 23. Slipping operations recommended as best practice to reduce stress and promote survival in released catches 3839.
            • In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.  
            • 121 t discarded at sea in 84 trips in 1995-2006 40.
              In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: fishing in groups of fishing folks
            • In storage tanks with ice or ice water, rough handling, such as bad weather disturbances in the ship, cause collisions and thereby physical damages, resulting in bloodstains and dull skin 42.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: prefer calm waters

            1.3 Ecchymosis

            Bruising and discoloration of the skin due to squeezing
            • Scale loss and skin injuries (bruises and lacerations) after 10 min of crowding in purse seine 20. Crowded groups had significantly higher scale loss than control groups 21. <10% scale loss after 10 min crowding at 79.8, 203.5, and 367.1 kg/m3 of crowding, without significant differences among groups 21. Intact scale pockets even when the scales were lost, suggesting that the osmoregulatory capabilities of the skin may not have been severely compromised by the scale loss 21.

            1.4 Desiccation (surface issue)

            • Given emersion to air, desiccation is probable 10.

            2  Stress

            Stress is a likely consequence of various welfare hazards. It may be measured via physiological parameters (cortisol, glucose, lactate, etc.) or behavioural observations (e.g., opercular movement).

            Where in the catching process does stress occur and how to avoid it?

            Stress occurs most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours and contact with the gear. To avoid it, fish in groups of fishing folks, use passive acoustics for prospection, slip bycatch preferably in an early phase, keep crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min, taking especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving the purse seine.

            Cortisol, glucose, lactate, other physiological stress parameters
            • Given possible oxygen shortage in IND in the middle of a shoal during crowding 222324232021, hazard consequences are probable 10.
              LAB: hypoxic environments increased swimming activity, with a peak in velocity during severe hypoxia (at 15-34% oxygen saturation), followed by decrease in swimming speed until school disruption (at 12-25% oxygen saturation) 25.
              LAB: school dimensions (length, width, depth, area, volume) increased during severe hypoxia (20% oxygen saturation), but school dynamics were not affected: IND in the front tried to remain in the front, probably due to the cost of changing positions while in respiratory distress 18.
              LAB: decrease in water oxygen pressure increased plasma cortisol and plasma osmolality above the normoxic level at pressures ≤8.5 kPa 26. At 4.2 and 6.4 kPa, extremely high plasma cortisol with levels comparable to stressful exercise 26. At ≤12.7 kPa, reduced plasma glucose by hypoxia 26.
            • Reduced plasma glucose 21 and increased cortisol, lactate, chloride, sodium, and potassium ions 20 after 10 min of crowding, indicating an incapacity to restore homestasis and a sign of approaching physical exhaustion, which can be a cause of death 21. Increased stress (anaerobic muscle activity followed by increase in blood lactate) and muscle pH with increased crowding duration (0-30 min) 27. Lactate returns to control levels 2 days after crowding 21. Reduced physical condition lasts for at least 4 days 20. Cortisol and blood ion levels increase for at least 4-5 days after crowding while IND are caged in net pens 21.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: keep crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min

            Opercular movementno data found yet.

            • WILD/LAB: schools release air from their swim bladder when they ascend and descend, and it forms clouds of bubbles that can be observed at the surface 4. This release is accompanied by sound which could be used by fishermen to detect them using passive acoustics 4.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: passive acoustics
            • Given the principle of purse seine to haul the net close to the ship and crowd the IND before suctioning them into the storage space of the ship 6789, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
            • Below-critical densities in median (190 t) and large (620-1,100 t) catches until 80% of seine is hauled 14. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 14 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1514; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 14. Further research needed for types of hazard consequences.
              • Catching steps:   
              • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine
            • Given the principle of purse seine to catch IND at the surface and slowly haul the seine close to the ship 6789 and thus no way of fleeing predators, there is the risk of stress by predators being present in or close to the net 10.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: for ways to avoid predators in the net → 6.7. Other.
            • Probably no sorting but direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 789 (although can also be lifted with scoop net out of purse seine 7). Given the speed with which IND arrive on deck or slide down chutes respectively and based on the crowding density, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on gear settings, on types of hazard consequences, and on how to avoid a decrease in welfare.
            • Given no evolutionary adaptation to experiencing own weight in air 29, hazard consequences following emersion are probable 10. Further research needed on type of hazard consequences.
            • Swimming activity is probably reliable behavioural indicator of stress in FISHES following crowding, particularly tail beat frequency 23. Measuring tail beat frequency before crowding would provide the baseline against which to compare tail beat frequency during crowding: Increasing beyond a threshold (20% in this study) likely increases mortality 23. In Norway, this catch cannot be discarded because laws prohibit to release dead or dying IND3423. Tail beat frequency below threshold indicates low mortality and allows for slipping 23. Further research needed on relationship between tail beat frequency and mortality during crowding to set up threshold 23.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: measure tail-beat frequency before crowding
            • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.
            • Given that JUVENILES aggregate with ADULTS in schools 28 and the principle of purse seine is to catch whole schools 78, there is a risk of bycatch (accidental catch of undersized, wrong sex, wrong age, damaged, over quota IND) of the target species 10. In the US, bycatch is reported to be low, consisting mostly of undersized IND, SPAWNERS, or IND caught after the vessel has filled to capacity 35.  After setting the net and in the initial stages of hauling, skippers or captains can get an impression of the catch by looking at a sample of IND that come to the surface 36 or that they catch with pole and line 89. At that point, they can abort the process if the catch does not include the target species and before the school is crowded 36.
            • Although usually similar-sized IND in schools 37, sometimes mix of small and larger size, resulting in slipping small IND21. Slipping also when school in purse seine very dense 21. Slipping itself is stressful, e.g., by combining increased swimming activity with physical damage, which may result in delayed mortality 23. Swimming to more favourable environment may make recovery possible 23. Slipping operations recommended as best practice to reduce stress and promote survival in released catches 3839.
            • In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.  
            • 121 t discarded at sea in 84 trips in 1995-2006 40.
              In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: fishing in groups of fishing folks

            3  Temperature shock

            The difference between temperature in water and air may induce a thermal shock.

            Where in the catching process does temperature shock occur and how to avoid it?

            Temperature shock may occur during catching/hauling and storing. To avoid it, prefer air temperatures ≥0 °C and ≤18 °C as well as immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious.

            • IND have been observed behaving normally at temperature range -0.3-18 °C 16. Upper lethal temperature (i.e., 50% of tested IND died when they were exposed to that temperature for 48h): 19.5 °C or 21.2 °C depending on size (larger IND die faster at higher temperature than smaller ones) 16. In a preliminary study, 87% survived temperatures of -1 °C 16.
              Given this information, encountering IND at the ocean surface, the change in temperature between water and boat surface will probably not cause temperature shock in most cases, except temperature on board <-1 °C or >21 °C 10. Given that in some seasons, IND live below the thermocline 171819, it is possible that they cannot adapt to the rapid change in temperature that would occur during the lifting of the net from below the thermocline to the surface and therefore suffer from temperature shock 10. Further research needed on the rate that C. harengus can adapt to temperature changes without decreasing welfare.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: prefer air temperatures ≥0 °C and ≤18 °C
            • Given pumping on board into tanks with refrigerated sea water (-1 °C) 4327 and transporting to shore for 12 h 44284528 or 2-3 days 43, temperature shock is probable 10.
              • Catching step:  
              • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

            4  Osmoregulatory distress

            The quick transition from one salinity level to another may lead to osmoregulatory distress.

            Where in the catching process does osmoregulatory distress occur and how to avoid it?

            Osmoregulatory distress may occur during catching/hauling, emersion, and storing. Further research needed for ways to avoid it.

            • Given that IND may be found just below or in the halocline, in areas with stratified water column 17, osmoregulatory distress is possible when they are brought to the surface 10. Further research needed on the rate C. harengus adapts to osmotic changes without decreasing welfare and on reports of osmoregulatory distress after purse seining.
            • Unable to regain osmoregulatory ability and homeostasis in at least 4 days after 10 min of crowding 20.
            • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.

            5  Disorientation

            Removing an individual from its home ground and social group and subjecting it to a potentially stressful catching event may result in disorientation.

            Where in the catching process does disorientation occur and how to avoid it?

            Disorientation may occur during displacement. Further research needed for ways to avoid it.

            • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.

            6  Asphyxia

            Lack of oxygen is a likely consequence for aquatic species facing removal from the water.

            Where in the catching process does asphyxia occur and how to avoid it?

            Asphyxia may occur during decreasing distance to neighbours as well as during slaughter. To avoid it during slaughter, prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious. For the other case, further research needed for ways to avoid it.

            Behaviour indicating lack of oxygen (gulping, tail beating, etc.)
            • Given possible oxygen shortage in IND in the middle of a shoal during crowding 222324232021, hazard consequences are probable 10.
              LAB: hypoxic environments increased swimming activity, with a peak in velocity during severe hypoxia (at 15-34% oxygen saturation), followed by decrease in swimming speed until school disruption (at 12-25% oxygen saturation) 25.
              LAB: school dimensions (length, width, depth, area, volume) increased during severe hypoxia (20% oxygen saturation), but school dynamics were not affected: IND in the front tried to remain in the front, probably due to the cost of changing positions while in respiratory distress 18.
              LAB: decrease in water oxygen pressure increased plasma cortisol and plasma osmolality above the normoxic level at pressures ≤8.5 kPa 26. At 4.2 and 6.4 kPa, extremely high plasma cortisol with levels comparable to stressful exercise 26. At ≤12.7 kPa, reduced plasma glucose by hypoxia 26.
            Intolerance towards lower concentrations of oxygen
              • Given direct pumping into the storage space of the ship 6789, probably no stunning and slaughter but asphyxia 10. Given storing on ice, asphyxia 4327. Given storing in ice 42 or ice water 424327, probably hypothermia 10.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: prefer immediate stunning followed by slaughter while still unconscious

              7  Dehydration (internal issue)

              Loss of water is another likely consequence of exposing aquatic species to air.

              Where in the catching process does dehydration occur and how to avoid it?

              There is no conclusion yet.

              Unspecifiedno data found yet.

              8  Fatigue/exhaustion

              In an attempt to escape the situation of being caught, many individuals struggle and resist until they are exhausted.

              Where in the catching process does fatigue/exhaustion occur and how to avoid it?

              Fatigue/exhaustion may occur at prospection, after slipping, and during emersion. To avoid it during prospection, use submerged light shortly after dusk, but only for short times and in colder waters. To avoid it during emersion, keep crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min. For the other case, further research needed for ways to avoid it.

              Inactivity/low vitality
              • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.

              Oxidative stressno data found yet.

              • LAB: submerged light was more effective at attracting IND than light above the surface, and fishing with light is more effective shortly after dusk 5. A few IND influenced by the light might lead the whole shoal to it 5. Continued exposure to light to attract IND might cause them fatigue 5. Increased temperature results in weakened attraction to light, therefore fishing in warmer waters (depending on season or fishing area) might affect the success of the attracting technique 5.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: submerged light shortly after dusk, but only for short times and in colder waters
              • Reduced plasma glucose 21 and increased cortisol, lactate, chloride, sodium, and potassium ions 20 after 10 min of crowding, indicating an incapacity to restore homestasis and a sign of approaching physical exhaustion, which can be a cause of death 21. Increased stress (anaerobic muscle activity followed by increase in blood lactate) and muscle pH with increased crowding duration (0-30 min) 27. Lactate returns to control levels 2 days after crowding 21. Reduced physical condition lasts for at least 4 days 20. Cortisol and blood ion levels increase for at least 4-5 days after crowding while IND are caged in net pens 21.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: keep crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min
              • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.

              9  Emotion-like states

              The process of being caught probably induces states not unlike emotions.

              Where in the catching process do emotion-like states occur and how to avoid them?

              IND may be startled during prospection. To avoid it, prefer active sonar in low frequencies (not >100 Hz).

              9.1 Fear (continuum up to panic)

              Freezeno data found yet.

              Avoidance behaviourno data found yet.

              Escape manoeuvresno data found yet.

              Startling behaviour
              • LAB: startled by a 10 cycle of a sine wave of 100 Hz 2, by sounds above 4 kHz 3.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: LAB: avoid sound from 100 Hz on upwards

              Unspecifiedno data found yet.

              9.2 Other

              Unspecifiedno data found yet.

              10  Mortality

              Although killing is the ultimate goal of fisheries, many mortalities happen unwanted - even resulting in discards - and unregulated, without avoiding prolonged suffering.

              Where in the catching process does mortality occur and how to avoid it?

              Mortality occurs most frequently during decreasing distance to neighbours and contact with the gear. To avoid it during catching/hauling and emersion, prefer IND of ≥30 cm, keeping crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min at densities <51 kg/m3, and taking especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving the purse seine. To avoid it for bycatch species, prefer fishing in groups of fishing folks, use slipping in an early phase, and ban discarding of dead IND. To avoid it during storing, prefer live-storing in ≥4,000 m3 net pens in calm cold waters outside hibernating areas in autumn and towing them inshore slowly (≤0.5-0.6 m/s). 

              • Given the principle of purse seine to haul the net close to the ship and crowd the IND before suctioning them into the storage space of the ship 6789, hazard consequences are probable 10. Further research needed on types of hazard consequences and on how to avoid them.
              • De-scaling is a cause of mortality within 1-4 days 11.
              • Below-critical densities in median (190 t) and large (620-1,100 t) catches until 80% of seine is hauled 14. >80% hauling: highly uncertain predictions about seine volume 14 due to complex shapes with large folds that seine may take 1514; unexpectedly high densities possible as seine is hauled in completely 14. Further research needed for types of hazard consequences.
                • Catching steps:   
                • How to improve: take especially care to avoid high densities during crowding in last 20% of retrieving purse seine
              • Reduced plasma glucose 21 and increased cortisol, lactate, chloride, sodium, and potassium ions 20 after 10 min of crowding, indicating an incapacity to restore homestasis and a sign of approaching physical exhaustion, which can be a cause of death 21. Increased stress (anaerobic muscle activity followed by increase in blood lactate) and muscle pH with increased crowding duration (0-30 min) 27. Lactate returns to control levels 2 days after crowding 21. Reduced physical condition lasts for at least 4 days 20. Cortisol and blood ion levels increase for at least 4-5 days after crowding while IND are caged in net pens 21.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: keep crowding as short as possible, preferably <10 min
              • Tail beat frequency (proxy for fish activity) increased with crowding density in a purse seine study under captive conditions: with lowest mean tail beat frequencies in the control groups (1.5-3.3 kg/m3 or 6.2-13.6 IND/m3) and lowest crowded group (51 kg/m3) and the highest mean frequency at the highest crowding density of 351 kg/m3 (1,565 IND/m3) 23. Mortality increased as tail beat frequency increased with largest increase at 200-247 kg/m3 during crowding with tail beat increasing by 0.1 tail beats/second, mortality increasing by 17% 23. Sample was taken on wild-caught IND that were kept in net for behaviour obsersations and least stressed IND, since the most stressed IND might have died in advance and therefore were not part of the study 23.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: avoid densities >51 kg/m3
              • Increasing mortality with increasing crowding density during 10 min of crowding: 1.6-1.8% mortality at 58-142 kg/m3, 27.9% mortality at 221 kg/m3, 50.7-52.0% mortality at 403-478 kg/m320. Crowding densities <100 kg/m3 did not result in any additional mortality compared to control groups 21. Different results might be found in different weather conditions 2021.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: keep crowding density as low as possible, preferably <100 kg/m3
              • Mortality during crowding is size and body condition related 21: for IND sized 20-31 cm, smaller IND2021 and IND with lower condition were more susceptible 21.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: prefer larger IND of ≥30 cm and maintain condition as best as possible
              • Given that JUVENILES aggregate with ADULTS in schools 28, aggression between conspecifics is unlikely 10.
              • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 60 kg catch in 30 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 95% mortality in the next 24 h, no survivors after 120 h (5 days) 12. For 700 kg catch in 1,000 m3 netpen pulled up for 3 min: immediate scale loss in average 75% of skin, probably followed by lethal osmoregulation difficulties, 30% mortality in 48 h, 95% mortality after 9 days 12.
              • Some IND are catapulted away from the chute and lie on deck, some IND are kicked or stood on by fishing folks 678. Further research needed on gear settings, on mortality rate, and on how to avoid mortality.
              • Escapees and surviving discarded IND will be prone to be predated since they are disoriented, stressed, and weakened after the catching process and release, and seabirds and other predators might gather near fishing boats 29.
              • Although usually similar-sized IND in schools 37, sometimes mix of small and larger size, resulting in slipping small IND21. Slipping also when school in purse seine very dense 21. Slipping itself is stressful, e.g., by combining increased swimming activity with physical damage, which may result in delayed mortality 23. Swimming to more favourable environment may make recovery possible 23. Slipping operations recommended as best practice to reduce stress and promote survival in released catches 3839.
              • Slipping in late phase of hauling may produce high rates of mortality that gets unaccounted for 21. Release in earlier phase may be acceptable, as C. harengus tolerates crowding well at lower densities 21.
              • In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.  
              • 121 t discarded at sea in 84 trips in 1995-2006 40.
                In Canada, since 1976, fishing by groups of fishermen has been encouraged to avoid dumping and discarding 28.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: fishing in groups of fishing folks
              •  In Norway, laws prohibit to release dead or dying IND3423.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: ban discards of dead IND
              • Transfer from vessels to net pens and stored there alive for several weeks before delivery to processing plants 12. For 100 kg catch hold in 30 m3 net pen and without any net pull-up: 1% mortality in 24 h, 98% mortality in 120 h (5 days), dead IND had scale loss in 40% of skin 12. For 2,300 kg catch in 1,000 m3 net pen and without any net pull-up: 12% mortality after 9 days, dead IND had scale loss in 25% of skin 12. Lower mortality the larger the net pen: from 70-98% mortality after 120 h in 30 m3 net pens to 10-80% mortality in 1,000 m3 net pens to 0-20% mortality in 4,000 or 7,000 m3 net pens; no correlation with density and only marginal influence of mesh quality 12. Herring that die during the storage period in net pens are usually discarded 12.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: prefer net pens ≥4,000 m3 for storage
              • Higher temperature increases general activity in C. harengus, which in turn tends to cause dispersal 5. Higher mortality after 120 h storing in net pens in autumn than winter could indicate lower activity in lower temperatures and therefore less contact with the net 12.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: prefer colder waters for fisheries, otherwise higher activity of IND may lead to more damage
              • Higher mortality after 120 h storing in net pens in autumn at hibernating areas than in winter at spawning grounds could indicate higher ability to tolerate physical contact with the net during spawning 12.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: avoid catching at hibernating areas in autumn
              • The lower the towing speed with which the 1,000 m3 storage net pens were towed inshore the lower the mortality after 120 h: 0-2% mortality at 0.5-0.6 m/s versus 10-20% mortality at 0.8-1.0 m/s 12.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: towing storage pens inshore slowly (≤0.5-0.6 m/s)

              11  Uncategorised behavioural changes

              When it is difficult to assign an observed behaviour to one of the above categories, we report it here.

              Where in the catching process do uncategorised behavioural changes occur and how to avoid them?

              Increased swimming behaviour or tail beat frequency may occur during decreasing distance to neighbours. To avoid it during emersion, prefer densities <51 kg/m3. For bycatch species, further research needed for ways to avoid it.

              • Shoaling and swimming behaviours not affected by Low-Frequency Active Sonar (1-2 kHz) nor Mid-Frequency Active Sonar (6-7 kHz) 1.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: low- and mid-frequency sonar has no impact on shoaling and swimming
              • Tail beat frequency (proxy for fish activity) increased with crowding density in a purse seine study under captive conditions: with lowest mean tail beat frequencies in the control groups (1.5-3.3 kg/m3 or 6.2-13.6 IND/m3) and lowest crowded group (51 kg/m3) and the highest mean frequency at the highest crowding density of 351 kg/m3 (1,565 IND/m3) 23. Mortality increased as tail beat frequency increased with largest increase at 200-247 kg/m3 during crowding with tail beat increasing by 0.1 tail beats/second, mortality increasing by 17% 23. Sample was taken on wild-caught IND that were kept in net for behaviour obsersations and least stressed IND, since the most stressed IND might have died in advance and therefore were not part of the study 23.
                • Catching step:  
                • How to improve: avoid densities >51 kg/m3
              • Although usually similar-sized IND in schools 37, sometimes mix of small and larger size, resulting in slipping small IND21. Slipping also when school in purse seine very dense 21. Slipping itself is stressful, e.g., by combining increased swimming activity with physical damage, which may result in delayed mortality 23. Swimming to more favourable environment may make recovery possible 23. Slipping operations recommended as best practice to reduce stress and promote survival in released catches 3839.


              ADULTS = mature individuals
              FISHES = using "fishes" instead of "fish" for more than one individual - whether of the same species or not - is inspired by Jonathan Balcombe who proposed this usage in his book "What a fish knows". By referring to a group as "fishes", we acknowledge the individuals with their personalities and needs instead of an anonymous mass of "fish".
              IND = individuals
              JUVENILES = fully developed but immature individuals
              LAB = setting in laboratory environment
              SPAWNERS = adults during the spawning season; in farms: adults that are kept as broodstock
              WILD = setting in the wild


              1 Sivle, Lise Doksæter, Petter Helgevold Kvadsheim, Michael A. Ainslie, Andrew Solow, Nils Olav Handegard, Nina Nordlund, and Frans-Peter A. Lam. 2012. Impact of naval sonar signals on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) during summer feeding. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1078–1085. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fss080.
              2 Domenici, Paolo, and Robert S. Batty. 1994. Escape manoeuvres of schooling Clupea harengus. Journal of Fish Biology 45: 97–110. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.1994.tb01086.x.
              3 Kastelein, Ronald A., Sander van der Heul, Willem C. Verboom, Nancy Jennings, Jan van der Veen, and Dick de Haan. 2008. Startle response of captive North Sea fish species to underwater tones between 0.1 and 64kHz. Marine Environmental Research 65: 369–377. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2008.01.001.
              4 Wahlberg, M. 2003. Sounds produced by herring (Clupea harengus) bubble release. Aquatic Living Resources 16: 271–275. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0990-7440(03)00017-2.
              5 Stickney, Alden P. 1969. Factors influencing the attraction of Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, to artificial lights. FISHERY BULLETIN-NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION.
              6 bobby, rickey. 2010. Newfoundland Fishing Boat, Herring Seining (YouTube).
              7 Wyman, Brandon. 2013. F/V Ruth & Pat Herring Seining 2013 Season (YouTube).
              8 Kobuk, Max. 2022. 2021 Bait Herring Season: Commercial Fishing Alaska (YouTube).
              9 Kobuk, Max. 2022. 2022 Kodiak Island Roe Herring Season: Commercial Fishing Alaska (YouTube).
              10 Cabrera-Álvarez, María. 2023. Conclusion.
              11 Olsen, Rolf Erik, Frode Oppedal, Maria Tenningen, and Aud Vold. 2012. Physiological response and mortality caused by scale loss in Atlantic herring. Fisheries Research 129–130: 21–27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2012.06.007.
              12 Misund, Ole Arve, and Arvid K. Beltestad. 1995. Survival of herring after simulated net bursts and conventional storage in net pens. Fisheries Research 22: 293–297. https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-7836(94)00326-R.
              13 Brawn, Vivien M. 1962. Physical Properties and Hydrostatic Function of the Swimbladder of Herring (Clupea harengus L.). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 19: 635–656. https://doi.org/10.1139/f62-043.
              14 Tenningen, Maria, Armin Pobitzer, Nils Olav Handegard, and Karen de Jong. 2019. Estimating purse seine volume during capture: implications for fish densities and survival of released unwanted catches. Edited by Finbarr O’Neill. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76: 2481–2488. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsz119.
              15 Breen, Mike. 2019. Personal communication.
              16 Brawn, Vivien M. 1960. Temperature Tolerance of Unacclimated Herring (Clupea harengus L.). Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 17: 721–723. https://doi.org/10.1139/f60-057.
              17 Rasmus Nielsen, J, Bo Lundgren, Torben F Jensen, and Karl-Johan Stæhr. 2001. Distribution, density and abundance of the western Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) in the Sound (ICES Subdivision 23) in relation to hydrographical features. Fisheries Research 50: 235–258. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-7836(00)00220-4.
              18 Domenici, Paolo, R. Silvana Ferrari, John F. Steffensen, and Robert S. Batty. 2002. The effect of progressive hypoxia on school structure and dynamics in Atlantic herring Clupea harengus. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 269: 2103–2111. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2002.2107.
              19 Peltonen, Heikki, Mika Vinni, Antti Lappalainen, and Jukka Pönni. 2004. Spatial feeding patterns of herring (Clupea harengus L.), sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.), and the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus L.) in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science 61: 966–971. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icesjms.2004.06.008.
              20 Tenningen, Maria, Aud Vold, and Rolf Erik Olsen. 2012. The response of herring to high crowding densities in purse-seines: survival and stress reaction. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69: 1523–1531. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fss114.
              21 Tenningen, Maria, Aud Vold, Bjørnar Isaksen, Ragnhild Svalheim, Rolf Olsen, and Mike Breen. 2012. Magnitude and causes of mortality of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) induced by crowding in purse seines. ICES CM C:34.
              22 Dommasnes, Are, Francisco Rey, and Ingolf Røttingen. 1994. Reduced oxygen concentrations in herring wintering areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science 51: 63–69. https://doi.org/10.1006/jmsc.1994.1006.
              23 Morgan, Rachael Louise. 2014. Using behaviour of herring (Clupea harengus L.) to assess post-crowding stress in purse-seine fisheries.
              24 Breen, Mike. 2014. Personal communication.
              25 Domenici, P., J. F. Steffensen, and R. S. Batty. 2000. The effect of progressive hypoxia on swimming activity and schooling in Atlantic herring. Journal of Fish Biology 57: 1526–1538. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8649.2000.tb02229.x.
              26 Herbert, Neill A., and John F. Steffensen. 2006. Hypoxia increases the behavioural activity of schooling herring: a response to physiological stress or respiratory distress? Marine Biology 149: 1217–1225. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-006-0284-6.
              27 Roth, Bjørn, and Torstein Skåra. 2021. Pre mortem capturing stress of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) in purse seine and subsequent effect on welfare and flesh quality. Fisheries Research 244: 106124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106124.
              28 Stephenson, R. L., D. E. Lane, D. G. Aldous, and R. Nowak. 1993. Management of the 4WX Atlantic Herring (Clupea harengus) Fishery: An Evaluation of Recent Events. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 2742–2757. https://doi.org/10.1139/f93-299.
              29 Breen, Mike, Neil Anders, Odd-Børre Humborstad, Jonatan Nilsson, Maria Tenningen, and Aud Vold. 2020. Catch Welfare in Commercial Fisheries. In The Welfare of Fish, ed. Tore S. Kristiansen, Anders Fernö, Michail A. Pavlidis, and Hans van de Vis, 401–437. Animal Welfare. Cham: Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-41675-1_17.
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              33 Anders, Neil, Mike Breen, Jostein Saltskår, Bjørn Totland, Jan Tore Øvredal, and Aud Vold. 2019. Behavioural and welfare implications of a new slipping methodology for purse seine fisheries in Norwegian waters. PLOS ONE 14: e0213031. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0213031.
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