The fair-fish database, formerly known as FishEthoBase, is designed to collect, systematise, and make available (open access) all welfare-related knowledge to be found on food fishes in the wild, in captivity, and during catching in order to help improve fish welfare and avoid practices that harm fishes.
News  2024-07-22

Update: Oreochromis niloticus: We more than doubled the number of sources and adjusted the profile to the current scoring logic and structure of age classes since the initial launch of the WelfareCheck in 2016. Although the WelfareScore is still among the highest in our database, it lost its lead. → read more

The Mission

For us, behaviour is the most important indicator of the welfare state of an individual. By describing the behaviour of aquatic animals in the wild and in captivity, we aim to assess the species’ potential on the welfare continuum.

Because we rely on scientific sources, this gives us the reliable, valid, and objective basis for recommendations on how to avoid harm and how to improve welfare.

The goal is to bridge the gap between science and the stakeholders in the aquaculture and fisheries sector: producers, fishing people, certifiers, retailers, NGOs, policy makers, and consumers.

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The Cooperations

Dr. Joao Saraiva (President FishEthoGroup)

«The fair-fish database is a brilliant idea, geniously simple: to provide open access and curated information on the welfare of aquatic animals. It is an essential tool for anyone studying, researching or working with fish, or advocating for aquatic animal welfare. Thank you fair-fish!»

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The Team

The fair-fish database is a project launched and managed by fair-fish, under cooperation with FishEthoGroup.

fair-fish is an NGO aiming at increasing welfare of aquatic animals in captivity and decreasing welfare hazards during catching, applying fair trade with fishermen and -women, and protecting the environment.

FishEthoGroup is a non-profit institution dedicated to research and improving the welfare of aquatic animals. Its role in the fair-fish database is to provide content for the species profiles as well as collaborating in the discussions on the development and structure of the database. 

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Get in touch. For questions about the fair-fish database, suggestions for species or other queries, drop us a line.